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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 671

"You cannot talk to me like that. I am entitled to participate in something like this," Austin retorted.

His brows knotted slightly and his voice quivered with indignation at the woman's impudence.

Seeing Austin's face turn a shade of red in anger, the woman burst into laughter. She began to speak in her high, vibrant voice, "You are flaring up, uh? I didn't expect you to have such a short temper. But dear child, I want you to listen to me and take my advice seriously. It is not for little boys who are exploring something and have peculiar curiosities about everything. The hunting is so dangerous that it can really take your life. What a pity if you lose your life at such a young age! You have many things to see and meaningful things to experience. Don't get yourself killed just because of your inane curiosity today.

I cannot describe to you how severe the evaluation will be this time. But from my past experience, the mere application for our Tiger Mercenary Team is way more difficult than ever before, not to mention there are other superior, well-established sect tests.

It goes without saying that the participants are required to have proficient ability. They need to be strong enough to stand up to those lethal blows. Look at you! You look so weak as if you are malnourished. I am afraid you will be thrown in the sky by one slight hit during the fight."

The woman began to giggle. While smiling seductively at him, her enchanting eyes studied Austin from head to toe, trying to flirt with him. She even stepped forward and stood only one inch away from him. With her being so close, Austin instantly smelled the fragrance that floated from her. The scent was like the one from a flower which spread its fragrance diligently in the atmosphere, and propelled it forward, to reach his nose.

This woman had been in this square from a long time. It was probably since the recruiting work of the Tiger Mercenary Team began. Having got acquainted with so many burly men who had come to sign up for the recruitment, she had already developed the habit of flirting with those men and indulging herself.

Now when she saw Austin, a peculiar sense of passion was kindled in her. Austin was unlike the men she had seen earlier and had soft and delicate skin. Being confident that her appearance was enough to tempt him, she tried to seduce Austin and got even closer to him.

Nonetheless, the woman's efforts of intimacy towards him did not shake Austin's self-control. Rather, he felt quite disgusted at the woman's discourteous and undignified manner.

"What kind of evaluation is that? Can you explain it to me?" Although he wasn't feeling good to stay around her, Austin considered asking her about the evaluation test as it was related to the diabolic beasts of the Sunset Mountain which he needed for his cultivation.

Seeing him confused but eager, the woman's interest was aroused even more. She came to understand that Austin would not give up until he had cleared up all the confusion in his mind. And as for her, there was nothing urgent that she needed to deal with at the moment. Compared to being alone at the recruitment desk or talking to some other vulgar men, she felt she was more than willing to talk with someone decent and demure.

If any other man had asked her those questions, she wouldn't have bothered to give it the slightest thought. But Austin looked so much different. So, she began explaining to him plainly and amply about the evaluation test.

"In the past, the standard goal of the evaluation test was set to defeat a seventh-level diabolic beast. If you achieved that goal, you could be enlisted in the Tiger Mercenary Team right after the test.

But this year, the threshold of the evaluation has been raised. Killing a seventh-level diabolic beast can no longer get you into our sect. Our sect management team dispatched a number of valiant and capable disciples into the Sunset Mountain to capture higher-level diabolic beasts. So, the diabolic beasts that they have hunted down are at least at the eighth-level. In other words, if you want to get into our Tiger Mercenary Team, you need to defeat a more powerful diabolic beast than the ones which were used till last year.


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