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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 673

Just then, the laughter of these candidates was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. A cultivator rushed out of one of the big rooms, covered in blood. His hair was wildly tangled and his clothes were ragged. His body was covered with bruises and cuts from which blood seeped out.

And his eyes were filled with utter terror.

"It's hell!" he screamed as he ran out. "No, I'm never coming here again!"

All the cultivators present noticed another strange thing at this point. As far as they remembered, two men had entered that big room moments ago. But now, only one of them had come out. They could only guess that the other one hadn't survived the fight and had been eaten by the beast in there.

Seeing this, the cultivators who hadn't given a try yet swallowed nervously. They felt more stressed after finding out that they could end up being killed if they didn't quit now.

For the less competent ones, this was truly a stern warning. Their faces turned pale and they shook in their shoes, evidently regretting ever coming here. Some of them took several steps back, indicating that they wanted to back out now.

Austin shrugged seeing their reactions. "Well, if that's the case, I think I can only go and meet the monster myself," he scoffed.

Without another word, he turned around and walked calmly to the door of the big room.

Soon, his silhouette disappeared through the door.

"He... Damn, you've got to be kidding me!" one of the candidates exclaimed.

Those who had laughed at Austin minutes ago all stood aghast after seeing what he had just done.

He was going to fight a level eight diabolic beast alone! What in the world did he think he was doing?

In fact, it was understandable for those candidates to look down on Austin. After all, he looked like an inexperienced newcomer while most of them had already reached the Sky Realm, the same level as the beast.

Although they were on the same level as the beast, a diabolic beast was still stronger and crueler than human beings, so none of them dared to challenge it alone.

Nor did any of them ever expect this slim and seemingly weak young man to have the courage to challenge it alone. But there he was, going into the bloody room to fight the monster one-on-one.

Hadn't he seen what all of them had clearly seen just now? Two cultivators refining at the medium stage of Sky Realm had taken their chance before him.

And what was the result? One of them had been eaten and the other had fled with wounds all over his body, wailing in fear and pain.

It couldn't be more obvious that the beast inside was a strong and dangerous enemy.

The candidates just couldn't believe that Austin had the nerve to deal with something like that all by himself.

After a moment of silence, they came to themselves. A few of them admired Austin for his courage, but most of them shook their heads as they thought about how ignorant the young man was for not cherishing his own life. Some of them even cursed him for keeping them waiting while he went to seek his doom.

Meanwhile, Austin didn't panic at all. The moment he entered the room, he began to calmly size it up. He was surprised to find that the room was actually much bigger than it seemed from the outside and could be as large as 700 square meters.

Then, he caught sight of a huge iron cage in the middle of the room, which was about a dozen meters high and over twenty meters wide.

The bars of the cage were several times the thickness of an adult's thigh and seemed to be made of the famous frosty steel—a kind of steel known for its hardness.

Suddenly, Austin heard a bloodthirsty roar coming from the cage.

The bars on the cage started rattling violently.

There was a smell of hot blood in the stirring air.

Austin instantly sensed that the room was filled with danger.

He took a step forward and narrowed his eyes to see more clearly. Inside the cage, there was a huge black crocodile over ten meters long, with a large maw filled with dagger-like teeth. Lying with its belly touching the floor of the cage, it was devouring a human thigh. The thigh belonged to the unlucky cultivator who hadn't managed to escape its jaws.

It seemed to be eating with relish as blood oozed through its sharp white teeth and overflowed onto the floor, which was completely red.

As soon as the beast noticed Austin, however, it stopped eating and turned to look Austin straight in the eyes. Its own eyes were as big as two bulbs. Any ordinary man would shudder seeing those eyes, which were like icy knives.

For a moment, there was pin-drop silence. Even from a distance, Austin could feel the hot breath of the beast on his face. It smelled of blood and madness.

Austin was absolutely sure of one thing now: this crocodile had a strong intent to kill. It had had many bloody battles and killed numerous men.

Just then, the air shook with an even louder roar from the beast.

A small storm stirred in the room.

The crocodile's eyes were shining with hunger as if it had just seen something very delicious.


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