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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 683

As soon as the members of the Tiger Mercenary Team noticed that the people in the valley below them were from the Iron Lady Mercenary Team, the randy men could not help uttering some rude and salacious comments about the ladies to each other.

It was rare to see women out here in the wilderness. So when members of the Tiger Mercenary Team, both the full members and the newcomers, saw that there was a large group of women in the valley up ahead, they soon became so delighted that they could hardly contain their excitement.

Just at this moment, a slightly disgruntled woman's voice was transmitted through the air from afar.

"Oh, if it isn't our friends of the Tiger Mercenary Team? I think it would be better for everyone to respect each other for the sake of everyone's safety,"

the voice sounded clearly in everyone's ears.

Austin knew that this kind of sound transmission was created through the special use of vital energy force, which compressed the sound into a line and transmitted it over substantial distances. Judging from the sound being transmitted, Austin was sure that the woman who was speaking was at the medium stage of the Imperial Realm.

This kind of sound transmission was suitable for long-distance conversations. As for how far the sound could be transmitted, it depended mainly on how strong the vital energy cultivation base of the speaker was.

"Ha! Dear friends from the Iron Lady Mercenary Team, we are just kidding. Don't lose your rag! I can't help it. You know, my brothers are all boors!"

Walter responded to the woman immediately via the vital energy sound transmission. Of course, the tone in which he spoke was a little frivolous and playful, without the slightest sign of respect for the woman.

Such behavior was common in the cultivation world. Cultivators followed the law of the jungle, in which the strongest cultivator decided everything, so they tended to talk without social taboos.

Walter had heard of the Iron Lady Mercenary Team, whose members were all exclusively women. They usually behaved with restraint and tolerance, so Walter believed that their strength was in all likelihood not too powerful. As a result, he felt that in the depths of such desolate mountains, there would be nothing amiss in flirting with these women.

"Well, in that case, there's nothing left to say."

The woman who had spoken, from the valley up ahead, snorted coldly.

Then the wonderfully melodious sounds of a harp came from the valley. The sound of the music was delicate and soft; like a clear stream running joyfully along the mountain valleys, and the raindrops hitting the banana trees, clear and beautiful.

The sound of the music was transmitted with crystal clarity to the Tiger Mercenary Team. Everyone felt that the sound of the harp seemed to originate from right next to them. It almost felt as if it reverberated through their very bodies!

The musician who was playing the harp astonished Austin profoundly by both her playing skills, and her accurate control of the vital energy, which had clearly reached a very high level.

"What are these bitches doing, playing the harp in such a wild place?"

Walter cursed, his face broken by a dark and bewildered frown.

With the slow cadence of the music, the mercenaries' eyes began to blur. They seemed to see a graceful girl, 16 or 17 years old, walking slowly towards them. The girl, dressed in a plain dress without any make-up, was smiling lightly, but it was obvious that she was a great beauty.

The laughter and talking among the Tiger Mercenary Team gradually died down as they all stared in wonderment at the vision.

All of the Mercenaries, new or experienced, pricked their ears to listen to the beautiful music which seemed to be creating a new world before their very eyes. They all had a dazed and obsessive look on their faces. Gradually they were becoming addicted to the music and could no longer extricate themselves from the trans which it had created.

Everyone seemed to see a beautiful girl standing in front of him, leaning forward to whisper gentle affections in his ear.

Austin felt drawn to the fine music. As he listened, he felt that the sound of the harp seemed to be transformed into thousands of lovely, delicate hands which ran all over his body, stroking and caressing him.

However, in the depths of Austin's mind, he felt that something was terribly wrong and that things were not as they seemed.

He remembered that there had just been a verbal conflict between the leaders of the Tiger Mercenary Team and the Iron Lady Mercenary Team. The members of the Tiger Mercenary Team had spoken and behaved impudently like hooligans, and they had wantonly insulted the female members of the Iron Lady Mercenary Team.

Originally, the two sides had been embroiled in a game of tit-for-tat. Now, much to his surprise, the Iron Lady Mercenary Team had begun to make such romantic music all of a sudden. It didn't add up.


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