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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 688

In virtue of his strong spiritual sense, Austin perceived the approach of the Eagle Mercenary Team and immediately prepared for the incoming contact. The Team, mainly consisting of four powerful cultivators, whose cultivation base at the Imperial Realm stage, and other common cultivators, was an organization working solely for money. Their spiritual sense was only occasionally released to secure their surroundings. But they never realized that their spiritual sense couldn't detect Austin as it was blocked off by Austin's much stronger spiritual sense.

"It would appear that the Eagle Mercenary Team is under the command of the Sky Sect,"

Austin murmured pensively.

The Eagle Mercenary Team was the strongest mercenary organization in the Dragon City, for it had many cultivators of a high cultivation base.

However, without creed, finance, and other prerequisites to support themselves, many mercenary organizations were just driven by money and their life was limited. Compared with big sects which had solid foundations and thousands of disciples, most mercenary organizations were only small fry.

So, the only way that mercenary organizations could survive was to depend on larger sects to seek their assistance. After all, a big tree sheltered many people from the rain.

Because of the money-oriented nature of mercenary groups and their willingness to accept any tasks, some major sects even hired them to do illegal activities or things which were not proper for sects to be involved in.

'It seems that the members of the Eagle Mercenary Team more or less know about the crystal mine.'

At this thought, Austin decided to initiate contact with them.

A moment later, Austin came into their view.

"Hey, dude, who are you? Stop, didn't you hear me?"

soon, a member of Eagle Mercenary Team spotted Austin and shouted.

Austin pretended not to hear and walked directly towards them.

"Hey, dude, are you deaf? How dare you ignore me! Don't you know that we are members of the Eagle Mercenary Team? Get out of our way while we are still busy or I will teach you a lesson!"

The man was pissed off and became even angrier when he found that his instructions were ignored and didn't get a response from this bold intruder.

"I know this dude. He is the new member recruited by the Tiger Mercenary Team a few days ago," one of the mercenaries exclaimed then.

Soon, more people agreed that this stranger was in fact Austin.

His appearance caused a stir among the crowd.

'Austin! What does he want here?' the mercenaries thought.

Close scrutiny was transferred to Austin, as the four Imperial Realm cultivators stared at him closely, their faces alert.

As Austin displayed an imposing manner and seemed an image of confidence, they were all shocked by his distinctive temperament.

'Does he plot against us? Why else does he dare to show up in front of us like this?' At the thought of this, the four members of Eagle Mercenary Team exchanged quick glances with one another. Everyone felt puzzled.

"Hey, dude, where are your teammates? Are you the last one left of the Tiger Mercenary Team?"

Hardly had Mack finished speaking than he and the other three cultivators of the Imperial Realm rushed at Austin and surrounded him with aggressive stances.

For a long time, the Eagle Mercenary Team and the Tiger Mercenary Team had been hostile to each other. It was a known secret in the Dragon City.

This was because they both had wanted to eliminate each other to win the monopoly of the mercenary market.

Although the Eagle Mercenary Team was slightly superior in their cultivation base than the Tiger Mercenary Team, there was no overwhelming advantage between the two teams.

Equally matched in strength and power, neither of them had dared to openly start a fight. So, both had contended with each other covertly and avoided overt hostilities for years.

For a long time, the Eagle Mercenary Team had been plotting to annihilate the Tiger Mercenary Team.

But then so had the Tiger Mercenary Team.


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