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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 697

"What a terrible joke! Since when did this place become the New Moon Sect's territory?

Isis, I am surprised that you would say such unreasonable words!"

A voice laced with mockery emerged from the direction of the Tiger Mercenary Team.

People looked around to find the source of the voice. Subsequently, from behind the group of the Tiger Mercenary Team, two men stepped out.

One of them was a man of about twenty-five. He was dressed in black from top to the bottom. His appearance was not impressive enough for people to remember him. Instead, his hands were his most significant feature and would garner anyone's attention wherever he went. They were not just malformed or disfigured hands. Rather, they were about four times larger than normal hands. Strangely, they had the shape of a fan. They looked like giant elephant ears dangling from his arms.

The other one looked like someone who had authority. He was a stout and stumpy man. His skin was dark as though it had been burnt after being under scorching sunlight for a long time. Upon that his bright and piercing eyes twinkled under his thick, bushy eyebrows.

As they stepped out from the crowd, the sturdy guy was just looking at the women of the Iron Lady Mercenary Team with vindictive eyes.

Suddenly, a man spoke in a shrilly voice. "What the hell! Is that the bastard Austin?

Man! You have the nerve to show yourself here! You remember how you ran for your life from the battle last time with your tail between your legs?

Since you have come across us again, don't think you will get a chance of walking out of here alive this time!" the man barked.

He was actually the Deputy Team Head of the Tiger Mercenary Team, Walter. When Austin came in sight, the unhappy memory of the past came pouring forth and he yelled at Austin with unadulterated hate.

As Walter was yelling at Austin, another man's eyes were still on the women of the New Moon Sect. He was the Team Head of the Tiger Mercenary Team. After a moment's vindictive gaze, he began to speak harshly to them. "Look at this group of bitches! You have been sneaking around the Sunset Mountain and attacking my team members. If I hadn't noticed earlier, you would have brought great loss to my Tiger Mercenary Team.

Thinking what you have done to us makes my blood boil in anger. I won't sleep well if I haven't killed you all and avenged my people whom you have butchered.

How did you think that my Tiger Mercenary Team can be bullied by you idiots?"

he spoke, his voice full of malice.

The man in black sneered contemptuously at them and continued in his scowling and vindictive voice.

"Which one of you is Isis of the New Moon Sect? If you have guts, show yourself and stop hiding behind your people like a sewer rat.

I have heard that you have an outstanding skill of killing people with your harp.

I really want to know what tricks you can play with that toy of yours today. Or is it just a group of lazy people who have nothing else to do, so they spread some useless, meaningless rumors?

How stupid of them to put a simple harp into their tales! What privileges did you give them that they are so captivated by you and swoon over you?" he taunted dryly.

His hands were clasped behind his back. He stood erect, looking haughty and domineering as he spoke words of hatred and contempt.

"How dare you offend our leader?" a furious voice in the crowd called out.


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