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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 715

Tessa suddenly realized that the two maidens' reputation was blemished simply because Austin had run across them when they took the bath.

Seeing the two maidens assume a posture of interrogation, Tessa couldn't help but smile to herself in amusement.

"You said you had passed us unintentionally, but the truth is that you were lurking beside the lake since long to peep at us. I can't believe you are still trying to act innocent!"

Dahlia sounded outraged.

"Forget it, I don't have time to quibble with you.

Tessa, let's go," Austin said.

Both of them decided not to pay attention to these two maidens, and tried to avert the conversation.

"This is unacceptable! I can't let this insult pass by. I must teach this lecher a lesson."

Dahlia swiftly jumped down from the gently rocking boat floating in the air and stood before Austin and Tessa in a jiffy, displaying her outstanding bodily movement skill.

Suddenly, thick, black hair grew out from her white flesh as her delicate-looking right arm swelled wildly.

In the blink of an eye, her right arm had grown thick and long like a chimpanzee's. The muscles hunched and rippled beneath the skin.

"What the hell just happened?!"

Austin and Tessa were astonished.

"Lecher, watch this!"

Dahlia lifted her husky right arm and made out a set of fist positions with artful attack angles and fierce force.

The fist split into two fist shadows when it reached in front of Austin and hit against him powerfully, each one carrying an extremely overwhelming amount of pure physical strength.

Austin was greatly shocked by the powerful physical strength of that maiden.

He pushed Tessa out of the area enveloped by the fist wind before delivering a punch with a force of three hundred thousand pounds to counterattack. But Austin hadn't put all of his potential physical strength in this punch.


Accompanied by a series of sharp sonic booms, a large amount of stones and dirt rose and crashed back on the ground. It seemed as if torrential rain had just hit the land.

Dahlia took several steps backward and stared at Austin, shock written all over her face. She hadn't expected Austin to be so powerful.

Nor did she expect that her secret flesh incantations and exquisite fist positions hadn't helped her to gain an upper hand in the fight.

She would have admitted her failure if Austin used vital energy martial arts skill. On the contrary, he had used pure physical strength instead. This had put Dahlia off.

"How could it be possible? How could your physical strength be so powerful?"

The maidservant who was watching the fight on the boat had gasped audibly. Her mouth was still agape in surprise.

"This maiden's fist positions were so amazing!"

Austin too was slighly surprised by the consequence of his response.

"Lecher, here you go again!"

Refusing to give in to Austin, she exercised a few more delicate fist positions and dashed at Austin. The fist illusions fit beatifully with her illusions of blanketting the earth and covering the sun's shine.

Each swift punch was filled with a force of three hundred thousand pounds.

For normal warriors in the cultivation base of Imperial Realm, it would have been close to impossible to stand these intense hard blows.

But it was quite easy for Austin to deal with them with his four hundred thousand pounds of physical strength.

After a dozen of blows in a row, Dahlia's strength finally gave out and she stopped her relentless attacks. Her deformed, thick right arm had converted back to its original shape.

"You! How are you so powerful, lecher?

Faye, I am no match for this brat!"

Dahlia was panting heavily, her face was scarlet with heavy sweet sweat.

Austin could sense that the pure physical strength of the maiden was about two hundred thousand pounds, but it had increased to three hundred thousand pounds aided merely by a delicate, expert set of fist positions!

This set of fist positions were designed especially for increasing physical strength!

This maiden was able to increase her force of two hundred thousand pounds to three hundred thousand pounds.

Austin's heart was beating fast, and his mind was racing. If he could learn that set of fist positions, it was also possible for him to increase his force of four hundred thousand pounds to five hundred thousand pounds!

To put it simply, the fist positions that maiden exercised was a fatal attraction for all warriors who focused on body cultivation.

Excited, Austin stared at Dahlia tightly, his eyes shining bright with speculation.

"Lecher, what do you want to do?

Be careful how you behave!"

Austin's straight eyes made her feel slightly anxious. 'Is the lecher harboring some dirty intentions? What should I do if he does something bad? He is so powerful, ' she was overwhelmed with anxiety.

"Hey, little girl. Don't mistake me. I am not a lecher.

Could you teach me the set of fist positions you exercised just now?"

Austin's fighting capacity would have been more powerful if he had grasped this set of fist positions. He could slaughter all the Imperial Realm warriors with only pure physical strength!

"What? You want to learn the Veritable Demon Divinity Fist?

You are daydreaming. The fist positions were secret martial arts not allowed to leak out of the Veritable Demon Sect. Only a dozen warriors within the entire Veritable Demon Sect have the privilege to learn that. Who do you think you are?"

Dahlia said angrily to Austin impulsively.

"Dahlia, don't spill out secrets to these strangers!"

The maidservant knew it was the Veritable Demon Sect's secret and should be confidential to outsiders.

Suddenly, a peerless blade light appeared from behind. The blade cut through the space and rushed at Austin.

"Lad, you must be Austin."

A man's voice was heard some thousand meters away.

"That's bad. The Master Realm warrior is coming!"

Austin cried in fear. He would not escape with his speed in such short distance, even with his Eagle Wings.

For a warrior who had reached the Master Realm in vital energy cultivation base, his flight speed was as fast as an eagle.

"What should we do?"

Tessa's face also turned pale.

Even Austin was not strong enough to withstand a warrior at the Master Realm.

Austin suddenly focused on the boat that was suspended in the air while he racked his brains to find out an escape route.


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