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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 719

Austin and the others were shocked to see the grey and white fog spreading out from the end corner of the street. It slowly covered most of the avenue and crept towards the location where Austin and his companions stood.

"Back! Let's move backward. The fog looks strange! This doesn't seem right!" Austin commanded, staying alert as the fog neared them.

He could feel, instinctively, a sense of danger arousing from his heart.

"There is a pair of eyes in the white fog!"

Dahlia, the girl dressed in purple, and her maid shouted in unison.

Austin, too, immediately saw two rays of faint lights flashing away quickly within the grey and white fog.

They looked, indeed, like a pair of eyes. And except for this pair, the body could not be seen. Even though the grey mist was very thick, it could not fully cover the body of a human being or whatever creature it might be. Therefore, if there was really a body, Austin could have seen it.

However, peculiarly, the four only saw the strange pair of eyes and could not see any other parts of body or other things in the fog.

They kept observing for a moment to further scrutinize what might be in the mist.

"Not only one pair of eyes! There are many pairs of eyes there!"

Tessa exclaimed too!

As they were looking at the first pair of eyes, more and more pairs slowly appeared inside the mist. However, like the first pair, all the eyes merely flashed once and disappeared soon.

Still, mysteriously, no bodies were found in the fog.

And they could not help but feel scared at that unusual finding.

Usually, being a cultivator, Austin and the other three present had refined spiritual sense and were not supposed to be afraid of actual ghosts. But that strange occurrence still made them more or less feel frightened.

"Oh, no! Look! There is white mist flying from the back!"

The girl in the purple dress shouted again.

Indeed, there were clouds of fog spreading from the end of the opposite street and flying towards them. Aghast, they had no idea where the fog had originated.

With the strange fog locking them from where they stood, the four could not find a way to escape from it.

"Austin, how about we go and hide in the houses along the street?"

Tessa suggested, seeing the approaching fog slowly surrounding them.

"That might not work. Even if we hide in these houses, the fog will still penetrate through it.

And as you can see, those houses look like they have been vacated for a long time. We don't know what might await us if we go inside.

Anyway, everything else here looks weird. We'd better not rush," Austin analyzed and expressed his thoughts.

"Hey, what shall we do now? The fog will reach us any second!"

The girl in the purple dress was in a panic, asking Austin in a soft yet alarmed tone.

"All of you follow me closely. Let's pass through this white fog and run out of the street!"

Austin instructed after gauging the situation for a while.

In just a short time, the fog gradually encircled the streets, surrounding Austin and the other three.

"Be careful!"

Austin suddenly reminded them when the fog was less than a hundred meters away from them.

In fact, that distance was the scope within which Austin's remaining spiritual sense could reach.

Austin found many faint figures in the approaching grey and white fog. The shapes of these figures looked like a human, but they were transparent. The vague shapes could not be seen by the naked eyes and could only be felt by the spiritual sense.


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