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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 721

"You damned lecher! Why did you suddenly stop?"

The girl in purple's temper was harsh and unreasonable. She suddenly spoke in a fit of anger as she stood up.

As Austin and Dahlia stopped, Tessa and Faye also both came to a stop beside them.

"Austin, what is it?"

Tessa assumed that he had found something.

"Sorry, Tessa, I'm afraid I can't explain it to you right now.

You all have to stay close to me, at least within three meters around me. Otherwise, I won't be able to protect you if you're too far."

Austin was eager to use the derelict spiritual souls so as to improve his Soul-transforming Skill as soon as possible; he, therefore, had no time to explain everything to them. He sat down cross-legged like an old monk in meditation.

In his Soul Sea, a long spiritual sense chain formed, which was dark, glistening and gave out cold lights as if reflecting from a sword.

With the help of his strong spiritual sense, Austin activated the spiritual sense chain and launched it to capture the five souls that were hovering around.

The five souls struggled and put up a desperate fight to escape the chain. However, Austin's Soul-transforming Skill had been elevated to a higher level because of his diligent training, so the spiritual sense chain was very strong. Once any souls were captured they immediately became soft and unable to exert their strength so they couldn't escape easily.

It became easier for Austin to drag the five souls in his Soul Sea and immediately began to refine them. They produced wretched screams due to the painful process and the five souls finally fainted and transformed into five light spots as they became a part of Austin's Soul Sea.

Although Austin hadn't activated the Soul-transforming Skill in a long time, his spiritual sense now was strong enough, so it was an easy job for him. He instantly melted their energy and absorbed the power of the five souls.

After refining the five souls, Austin felt that his power of spiritual sense had increased. However, it was insignificant since it wasn't enough to make rapid progress, although there were many more souls, which he could refine to improve his ability. The more souls he captured, the stronger his spiritual power would become.

"Hey, lecher! What are you doing? I don't want to stay in this scary, okay?"

The girl in purple was scared of the souls that were hovering around, so she urged Austin to take her out of the horrible place.

She could not understand how he could just suddenly stop and sit there? She couldn't help yelling at him.

"Miss, can you please keep quiet? Austin's probably improving some critical secret skill.

You can leave on your own if you're in a hurry."

Tessa was also a bit confused by Austin's strange behavior and looked at him as if he was some strange old monk, but she presumed that he must be doing something very important.

She was aware that what warriors feared the most when improving their skills was to be interrupted or distracted by external forces. So when Tessa heard the girl in purple yelling she was not pleased and wondered how the girl could yell at him at that crucial moment?

"Come on, man! Can't you do it some other time?"

The girl in purple complained although she had no choice but to wait. From Austin's position and the fact that she knew the rules that applied when warriors were improving their skills, she guessed that Austin might be cultivating some secret skill. But why now?

Nevertheless, her best choice was to stay in the area three meters around Austin as he had earlier ordered.

In Addition, after controlling and absorbing the five souls in his own Soul Sea, Austin continuously practiced using the spiritual sense chain, pulling them closer so that he could absorb lots of souls.

And he didn't plan to stop, because he needed more souls to improve and become proficient in his Soul-transforming Skill.

A dozen of souls would be chained each time when Austin launched and would be dragged to the spiritual sense chain.

The more souls he got, the stronger he felt his spiritual sense gaining more power.

He sat still for half an hour, one hour, two hours and soon half a day had passed.

However, Austin remained motionless and devoted himself to improving the Soul-transforming Skill.

In half a day, he had refined and absorbed thousands of souls and so within the range of three meters, the number of souls had become fewer and fewer.

However, the souls far away were attracted to the four living human bodies. They didn't know what would happen afterward, so they kept constantly rushing towards them.

But for Austin, he didn't need to move an inch. He attracted the souls in the white fog like moths to light as they continuously came up to him.

Besides, the three girls were at the Sky Realm cultivation base and they had noticed that the souls were getting fewer and fewer, which must have something to do with Austin.

Watching the souls pouncing on them and disappearing, the three girls gradually relaxed. Even though the number of souls was many, they knew that they didn't need to worry about the souls, because Austin seemed to be able to deal with them and could protect them from the souls.

Especially the girl in purple, she looked at Austin admiringly.

Remembering how Austin peeped at her, she thought, 'He seems to be a disgusting lecher, but I was probably wrong. However, he's much stronger than me; he's been polite to me this whole time, and now he's protecting us from those horrible souls.

Maybe I really misunderstood him.

I can't defend myself if he tries to molest me or something, but this guy has never tried to.


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