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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 733

To Austin's surprise, even though his spiritual sense was quite strong, he still had to pull out all the stops to prevent the overbearing spiritual sense from invading his Soul Sea.

Moreover, he was unsure how long he could hold and keep the mysterious spiritual sense away from his Soul Sea.

A couple of minutes later, Austin's face turned slightly pale.

After making several attempts in vain, the old man stopped using his spiritual sense to detect Austin.

With astonishment all over his face, he murmured, "He managed to prevent me from prying. What on earth is that kid? How did he get such a powerful spiritual sense?"

'This is not good. It looks like that kid has mastered a secret skill on how to absorb souls and he keeps refining the ghosts that I have collected over the years. I must stop him immediately!' he mused.

After contemplating Austin's powers for a while, he infused his spiritual sense with some instructions into the blue stone ball in front of him.

The second the old man was done, all the soul-consuming fog inside the city moved fast towards the central part of the city.

Austin sensed that the mysterious spiritual sense which had tried to break into his Soul Sea had vanished.

He heaved a long sigh of relief. A dense layer of sweat had settled on his forehead.

However, just as he was beginning to relax, the next moment, his face darkened.

Earlier he had summoned several clouds of soul-consuming fog to refine the souls inside.

However, now the clouds of soul-consuming fog had flown away together with the souls quickly.

'What's happening?' he wondered, confused.

Austin took out all the small flags and threw them into the air, trying to summon back the clouds of soul-consuming fog.

However, it didn't work. In a blink of an eye, the soul-consuming fog had disappeared from one end of the street.

Austin unleashed his spiritual sense and found out that all the soul-consuming fog close to him were moving towards the center of the city at a rapid speed.

In relation to the formidable spiritual sense, Austin surmised that the three leaders of the city might have discovered that he used the souls to enhance his spiritual sense.

But after recalling how powerful the spiritual sense that was trying to invade his Soul Sea was, he suspected that it was Jim who had done all of that.

'The three castellans are Master Realm cultivators, but my spiritual sense is more powerful than that of those at the Master Realm. So it can't be one of them.

Of course, I can't rule out the possibility that one of the three leaders' spiritual sense is as strong as mine, ' he analyzed.

Austin had planned to make full use of the opportunity to master the Spiritual Sense Liquefaction. But now his plan was interrupted.

Austin was kind of upset.

After some thought, he decided to look for the gates of the city to see if he could get out of there.

He planned to find another time to practice his spiritual sense. Considering that he was close to turning his spiritual sense into liquid, he thought it was a matter of time before he could make it.

Since he had made his decision, he went up to the three girls. Looking at the Tessa, he said, "Tessa."

"Austin you're done practicing, right?" Tessa asked.

She had no idea what had happened to Austin and just assumed that he had finished his training.

Over the past few days, Austin had been so immersed in refining the souls that he hadn't communicated with his companions at all. The three girls just followed him and watched him as he practiced silently.

It was the first time that Austin had taken the initiative to talk to Tessa in the past few days.

"Lecher, you finally stopped practicing.

When can we leave this place?" Dahlia asked.

She was quite relieved to see that Austin was done cultivating.

"Come on, let's go. We're going to the outermost part of the city to see if we can get a way out of here," Austin said.

It delighted the three girls to hear that. They had been eager to leave the strange city as soon as possible.

The four exerted their bodily movement skills and headed for the outermost part of the city.

But as they kept moving, they noticed that all the streets looked exactly the same.

Besides, the streets had a complicated and intricate layout and they just kept going back and forth. They looked like a maze and it was hard for the four to find a way out, even the shrewdest person would get lost there.


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