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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 739

As for the three swordsmanship skills, your understanding of sword intent is not yet good enough at the moment to practice them.

There are three swordsmanship skills in total which I have mastered. The first is the Swift Thunder Swordsmanship; the second is the Five Elements Swordsmanship; and lastly, the Deadly Swordsmanship.

You can only begin practicing the first Swordsmanship, Swift Thunder Swordsmanship, once you have mastered the level five sword potential. But not until then will you be able to do so.

After that, once your sword cultivation base has improved even further to level ten sword potential, the top level of sword potential, can you only practice the second swordsmanship, the Five Elements Swordsmanship.

As for the final swordsmanship, the Deadly Swordsmanship, your cultivation base in swordsmanship must be high enough to develop your own sword world. Only then can you practice it.

Right now, you can only receive my lessons about swordsmanship. But once you have reached the corresponding levels required from you, you will then get the three swordsmanship skills from this statue. Don't forget this."

Afterwards, the Sword Emperor explained to Austin about the statue of the Sword Emperor in detail.

Austin listened carefully and intently, while making sure to keep the instructions in mind. Failure to do so might cost him his life.

"Of course, besides those which I have already told you, the statue has another function. But I will keep it a secret for now. When your cultivation base reach the level of Basic Sacred Realm, you can enter my palace in the Prime Martial World. It's called the Sword Treasure-house. Only then will you be able to know this secret function.

Remember, you mustn't go to my Sword Treasure-house before you reach Basic Sacred Realm. My instructions are absolute. A failure to comply them will surely get you killed!"

the Sword Emperor said in a solemn voice, stressing out the last sentence.

The words left Austin dumbfounded and confused.

'The Sword Treasure-house?

The Sword Emperor has already departed the Prime Martial World, but he left behind a palace known as the Sword Treasure-house. His words clearly hinted that the statue has something to do with the palace. But he expects me to search for it myself, ' thought Austin.

He didn't ask for further details about it since the Sword Emperor wasn't willing to give any more information.

Just as Austin pondered the whereabouts of the said palace, the Sword Emperor suddenly released his spiritual sense into Austin's Soul Sea. It contained a map depicting the Sword Treasure-house's exact location. The map gave Austin some sense of relief, but Austin knew that he was not strong enough to enter the palace yet. So he saved this information in his Soul Sea so that he could pay a visit to the palace after he reached Basic Sacred Realm.

"Since all of that is sorted out, I will now pass down the lessons about swordsmanship to you,"

said the Sword Emperor.

The very instant he finished speaking, the brilliant light screen broke apart, reverting back into numerous streaks of sword aura. They looked like a large school of fish which caused swirling eddies as they swam and spiraled up and down in Austin's Soul Sea.


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