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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 748

In the process of gathering around Jake, some of the disciples belonging to the Imperial Realm could not stand the force of the collective souls and their spiritual souls became detached from their Soul Sea. Needless to say, they were all swallowed by Jim and became a part of his dainty feast. Having absorbed so many spiritual souls, Jim's strength had upgraded multifold. He had become extremely tough now and it would be almost impossible to vanquish him.

After all of the disciples who had the ability to break through the attacks of those souls had gathered at his side, Jake ordered them to strike back at Jim. "Strike!" he exclaimed.

Jake pointed to the pillar next to him and commanded the disciples to attack it. All of the cultivators concentrated their vital energy at their hands and began striking at the pillar with all their might. They were at the edge of life and death and none of them could afford to conceal their true capability. Altogether, they were made up of four fighters from the Master Realm and over ninety from the Imperial Realm. All of them unfolded their vital energy force and demonstrated it at the highest state. Like a platoon, they struck simultaneously at the pillar.

The massive, enormous vital energy waves that formed from the united force of all the disciples shot out and charged towards the pillar. Progressively, as it pierced through the air, the collisions generated heat and wrapped the vital energy waves in a golden hued blanket.

The waves hit straight on the pillar and generated an earsplitting sound. The impact was so loud that for a moment, people went numb, and were unable to hear a single thing except a constant shrill, piercing sound.

The pillar began to wobble as if a deadly earthquake had struck. The cracking began to appear. Countless fracture marks began showing up on the wall of the pillar, and they spread from the point of impact.

"The pillar is not indestructible after all.

We can break it with one more blow!

Let's strike it once more," Jake cried with passion. It was true. Like a frightened and exhausted animal, the pillar was now on the verge of destruction.

One blow would turn it into a heap of rubble.

Working as a team, the disciples carried out the second strike at the same time.

As the second strike reached the pillar, it hit the pillar so hard that the vibrant sound of the impact was heard all around the palace.

With a resounding bang, the pillar imploded and collapsed. Its fall created clouds of dust and blanketed the air.

"It broke!" one of the disciples cried excitedly. Their first success boosted their confidence and morale.

Since the pillar had been destroyed, there was no place the black chains could find support and sustain themselves. They began to shrink and at last, fell to the ground and dispersed into the thin air.

Jake's instincts about the black chains were right. The chains were really supported by the pillar that once the pillar was broken, they could no longer exist.

They were filled with renewed hope of getting out of the place alive. They beamed with anticipation.

"Don't stop!

Keep striking other pillars to eliminate the black chains. The more black chains we destroy, the more hope we obtain to escape from this hell!" Jake said, fusing inspiration into every disciple.

His words were invigorating enough to brace all the cultivators up.

Now that the plan had been laid out, they knew the way to take out those black chains. In a few minutes, another pillar was destroyed.

Such a turn of events was not a good sign for Jim.

He raged with unadulterated hate at Jake. "Jake, how could you have incited these people here to go against me and destroy the Sacrifice Array that I spent so many years in completing? I trained you for so many years and this is what you pay back in return? You are so disappointing a disciple!"

Jim's shadow drifted between the pillars as he barked. He was so furious that his face contorted from his intolerable hate.

However, Jake was not one to be deceived or provoked. He laughed dryly at him. "Old thing, you think you can cheat me? How ironic of you to have the cheek to mention about cultivating us!

I am afraid that it was just fate that me and my two fellow brothers got lost and entered into your palace by accident and became your disciples. You have always had the intention of killing us one day. It is just that you needed help building your palace before. Besides, as our spiritual souls had not cultivated enough to satisfy you, you did not lay hands on us.

Actually, we were like prisoners, like pigs that are kept in the pen. You fed us and caged us, only to have us get fat and provide you meat. All you cared about were our spiritual souls and not us. You are an ugly, heartless devil!"

By this moment, Jake revealed Jim's cruel character and let his inner feelings out. The relationship between Jim and Jake of a master and disciple had completely fractured.

Jake's words irked Jim even more. Grinding his words through his teeth in fury, he started barking. "No matter what I was up to, it was I who nurtured you and turned you into excellent fighter now.

Don't forget that you were merely in the premium stage of Imperial Realm when you first came to my place.


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