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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 754

Only the men of the Flying Fish Sect, the Iron Palm Sect and the Evergreen Sect, who were left on the altar, had witnessed Austin's power.

Although Austin's cultivation base seemed relatively normal, they knew that the young man was far more stronger than he looked. His appearance would never give out the true potential he possessed.

But they didn't have a clue about how powerful Austin really was. They presumed that he had a stronger body and a quicker bodily movement skill than others.

In their opinion, Austin was at the medium stage of Imperial Realm.

In other words, the men on the altar didn't think of Austin as a real cultivator. They thought Austin was just a strong man but lacked self-knowledge.

It was Malick in particular who regarded Austin as a nobody. So he didn't show any respect towards him.

If it was not for the situation and conditions in front of them, he would have cut Austin into pieces already.

Looking at their faces, Austin was able to understand what they was on their mind. He knew people often despised him. Unless they needed him, they were willing to kill him. He got the same vibes even now.

"Jake! Help!"

A City Guardian dressed in black suddenly screamed out when the people were confused by Austin's unexpected invasion.

Out of the blue, more than ten dark chains struck the man from behind. Each of the chains was as thick as an arm.

The City Guardian in black had been regarding Austin with defiance and making fun of his ignorance and arrogance a few moments ago.

He had been so engrossed in ridiculing Austin that he didn't realize what was happening around him. He was unaware when those ten dark chains were coming towards him. In moments he was in their grip.

It was too late to escape. The dark chains had already swept through his body and appeared in his Soul Sea.

The chains quickly tied up his spiritual souls tightly and towed them out of his Soul Sea.

The spiritual souls of the City Guardian looked terrified as they were pulled out.

At the same time, numerous chains appeared from nowhere and began to attack the crowd. There was chaos all around.

No one rushed to save the City Guardian. All were running here and there to escape from those chains. They could hardly save themselves.

The chains were much stronger than anything they had ever seen.

Everyone, including the four cultivators at the Master Realm, was busy in their own affairs and trying to save their own lives. Slowly, the noisy bustle of fighting drowned the guardian's cries.

There were three main methods of the altar to attack the crowd.

First, numerous magic arrays hidden around the altar could create various dream-lands to trap the spiritual sense and will.

Second, thousands of ghosts hidden in the grey fog stood ready to attack the spiritual sense which had been trapped. Although each of them was weak, they were large in number and good at protracted war.

The last method to be employed was the release of dark chains from hundreds of pillars.

They were too many to count, almost covering the area of the whole altar.

These attacks mainly harmed the spiritual sense. They attacked the Soul Sea and spiritual souls.

Majority of cultivators in the Prime Martial World cultivated vital energy.

But it was hard to find one who cultivated spiritual sense force and knew more about it in this world.

So the cultivators on the altar were distressed. They were unable to cope with the force that was attacking them.

Although they were good at martial skills of vital energy, they were novices before spiritual sense attacks.

"Ha ha, stop wasting your energy. All your efforts are futile. You guys cannot escape today.

Those who are below the stage of the Astral Realm will have no chance to leave my altar safe and sound."

A giant shadow, formed by Jim's spiritual soul, was sitting cross-legged on a high pillar.

The shadow emitted spiritual sense with mounting pressure, and everyone who looked up to see him was scared out of their wits.

When Jim saw the spiritual souls of the City Guardian had been towed away from his Soul Sea, his giant shadow flew towards him.

He was about to seize the guardian's spiritual soul with his giant hand.

"Nooo!" the man screamed helplessly.


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