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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 777

Upon hearing the deep and resonant voice, the expressions on Dahlia's and Faye's faces drastically changed.

"Oh my god! It's my Dad!" Dahlia exclaimed.

She immediately took Faye's hand, and as she was using her bodily movement to run away, she shouted at Austin, "Hey lecher, why are you still standing there? Let's go!"

Austin audibly sighed. "Indeed," he started, with a resigned but relieved look on his face. "I should go. You two stay here. Hope to see you around, Dahlia, Faye," he finished, a warm smile resting on his lips.

When he heard that deafening sound, he also got startled.

The sheer volume of the voice was enough to make him feel highly uncomfortable. It felt like his body was being squished by an invisible force, and it made the blood and energy in his body flow very slowly.

Since it was basically undisputed that he had terrific physical strength of 700, 000 pounds, he didn't expect that someone would be capable of suppressing his physical strength. On top of that, it was only his voice!

With that, Austin had already considered Dahlia's father as one of the most powerful being he had ever come upon, and he hadn't even met him!

But what Austin knew about him was that he was a master of the Veritable Demon Sect.

Despite being thoroughly impressed with Dahlia's father, he had no intention of staying and meeting him. As planned, he would leave them and continue his journey.

As Austin was deep in thought, Dahlia had already dragged Faye far from where they were originally standing. The moment he became aware of this, he swiftly chased after them and when he was able to catch up with them, he quickly blocked their way. Seeing him, the two girls became so alarmed. Dahlia was about to move him out of the way but he was faster. He grabbed her and Faye and dragged them back to where the powerful voice came from.

Shocked by the sudden action Austin took, Dahlia's face became pale. As Austin was dragging her, she screamed on top of her lungs, saying, "Damn it! What are you doing, lecher!"

Ignoring Dahlia's rants, Austin focused his energy on using his mind to order Violet and gnome to hide in the Illusion Bead.

After that, he performed his Thunderbolt Movement Formula.

In a flash, he disappeared from the scene.

After being brought back, Dahlia and Faye suddenly felt like their energies were being siphoned by an invisible force. They tried to exercise a bodily movement skill to escape, but their vital energy was unable to flow smoothly. As a result, they weren't able to proceed to do what they were planning to do.

"That lecher! I swear to god, when I see you again, I won't spare you!"

Dahlia cried out loudly.

Right after that moment, a middle-aged man, who was of imposing stature, bushy eyebrows and big eyes which were round and red with anger, started coming towards them. He was giving off an unimaginable magnitude of power, which was enough to scare anyone who was near.

But the moment he caught sight of Dahlia and Faye, he became overjoyed.

The distance between him and the two girls was a few miles, but he was able to close that with a single step. That was how powerful he was.


Dahlia muttered, sweetly and innocently as a real princess, as she saw the middle-aged man coming towards them. It was a far cry from how she acted when she was around Austin.

As for Faye, she now was standing silently. Deep inside, she felt as if her fear of Dahlia's father had completely severed her tongue. She was so scared that she didn't dare lift her head to meet the eyes of the middle-aged man.

"Dahlia, why did you run from home? Why didn't you talk to me first?

Do you know how much I was worrying about you?" the man asked with a relived expression on his face.

At first, when he showed up, he looked so furious that it looked like he would punish Dahlia severely.

But now, when he saw his daughter looking sweet and innocent, but evidently anxious about her father's reaction to her juvenile rebellion, he couldn't stay mad. In an instant, his face mellowed, and his eyes became filled with love and adoration.

"Dad, I just felt bored at home. That was why I sneaked out.

I know I'm wrong, so please forgive me. This won't happen ever again, I promise," Dahlia explained, her eyes getting moist because of tears. "Dad..." she started, casting her eyes down, "You're not going to punish me, are you?"

she asked, as she took her father's hand. Classic move for a spoiled brat.

When she saw the worry on his face, she knew that she was safe. Her dad would definitely spare her.

"You are really a quick-witted girl. There would better be no next time, or else," the man said.

Hearing this, Dahlia rejoiced in silence. However, she didn't forget to flash bright smile for her lovely father.

"And you, Faye. How did you let this happen? How could you not stop Dahlia from running away just like that?"

the middle-aged man asked, as he now turned to Faye. His face and tone became serious.



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