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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 783

Soon after they left the Daylight City, the men from the Sky Sect who escorted Marwell and his family members began to covet the young females of the Meng Family.

As time went by, they grew more and more frivolous. Filthy words and bawdy tunes of indecent songs like 'eighteen kinds of touches' were all that they could utter or hum.

The other members of the Meng family trembled with anger, but being prisoners, revolt was a daydream. They knew they were only meat on the chopping board and would live at the mercy of the Sky Sect.

The farther the party moved from the Daylight City, more desolate the path became. Annoyingly, the more unbridled the members of the Sky Sect turned.

Known as a decent and respectable sect of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, the disciples of the Sky Sect had a reputation to maintain and could not dare to go too far under the public gaze.

But once in the barren wasteland where there was no sign of human presence, the Sky Sect disciples began to show their true colors.

They constantly spoke filthy and obscene words to flirt with the young females of the Meng Family. They had fixed their lustful eyes on those women and were getting hysterical.

Their behavior was getting unbearable as they exceeded the line of decency at times.

Some of them took advantage of chances from time to time and patted on the slender bodies of the young females of the Meng Family. Some even had the nerves to come forward to embrace the women forcibly.

Frustrated and helpless, all those young females screamed and struggled to get rid of their clutches and avoid sexual harassment.

This made the lustful disciples of the Sky Sect more excited.

Their behavior became excessively wild and indecent.

"Lucas, the steward will not blame or punish us if we abuse or sexually assault the Meng family's bitches, will he?"

Finally, a short man with crooked eyebrows and squinted eyes couldn't resist his lust any more and asked Lucas loudly.

Lucas was a 35 years old man, who was in charge of the escorting team. He seemed to be a sensible and disciplined man of fine presence, with a long sword that was hung at his belt.

His cultivation base had reached the premium stage of Imperial Realm. Judging from the sharp sword radiance that faintly exuded from his internal body, there was no doubt that he was a sword cultivator.

"The members of the Meng family are nothing for us. They are of little avail.

It is only because they are Austin's close allies that the Elder from our sect had sent me to catch these useless people. He wants to show the world, the consequences of offending the Sky Sect. Blood will beget blood!

As for these vain people, I think all of them will be executed in the end.

So, nobody will pay any attention to the lives of those women. Playing around with them is nothing for our sect.

Alaric, are you anxious to play around with them here?

Ha ha ha,"

Lucas answered without the slightest care and teased him.

All the other disciples from the Sky Sect laughed and cheered as they heard Lucas's teasing words.

This encouraged them further and their behavior became more and more objectionable.

"Ha ha ha! It is well known that Alaric is involved in a lot of love affairs. I don't think it is your first time to desire mating with a woman in the open air,"

someone derided him, following Lucas's remarks.

"Every man is randy here. I am on your side, Alaric. Go and pick a woman and satisfy your cravings!"

someone extended his support to the lustful man.

"Ha ha! Now that I know our sect doesn't care about them, I can't permit Alaric to enjoy this good fortune in love affairs alone. I will have one first."

Someone was even more quicker than Alaric. In the blink of an eye, he clasped a young woman and dragged her to the nearby weeds.

Alaric too wasn't one to stay behind. He also dragged a woman of the Meng family towards another side of the weeds.

Since someone had taken the lead, all the others did the same thing. No woman from the Meng family was spared.

Most of the women of the Meng family were at the Mysterious Realm in their cultivation base, some were even at the Earth Realm.

But facing the sexual assault from the disciples of the Sky Sect, they could only scream. There was nothing they could rather do.


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