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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 800

Fifteen minutes later, Austin found himself standing in front of a roll of mountains.

The earth in the surrounding area was red and the vegetation was sparse. He lifted up his gaze and looked around; his eyes were filled with the scenery of cliffs and rocky mountains.

Austin released his spiritual sense to scan the area even further. Soon, he found the Fire Stela's location within the mountain ranges.

It was located somewhere in the mountains, on a cliff that towered over a thousand meters into the sky.

In front of the cliff was an enormous platform where at least a thousand warriors were already waiting, clamouring.

Austin had dressed himself in the Appearance-transforming Clothes before he left the hotel room.

He currently appeared as the stout young man with big eyes and bushy eyebrows.

As he neared the cliff platform, he slowed his pace and walked sluggishly slow.

The platform was bustling with the huge crowd of warriors, talking and discussing. Some of them were standing, others were sitting on the ground; all of them were waiting for the appearance of the Fire Stela.

Most of these warriors were young men under thirty whose cultivation base was at the Imperial Realm or below.

Only a few of them were at the Master Realm.

Austin stepped onto the platform and took a seat.

Additional warriors were still on their way.

Observing the noisy crowd on the platform, Austin couldn't help letting out a deep sigh.

Even though the legend of the incomparable refining formula concealed in the Fire Stela had a possibility of being a fraud, thousands of young warriors still travelled to the place every five years, taking their chances.

The reason why they always persisted on coming back was because every warrior had a lifelong fascination with the vital energy refining formula.

Most often than not, it was superb refining formula–rather than talent or diligence–that determined a warrior's strength.

Many peerless warriors' strengths were defined by their superb refining formulas.

Austin had no doubts about this principle.

He shifted his attention from the crowd towards the towering cliff before him.

It stood tall and upright. One could say that it looked as if a gigantic stone blade was cutting into the clouds.

In the center of the cliff, an engraving of a sun was etched onto the stone. The pattern was somewhat faded due to its old age and the passing of time;

it could scarcely be discovered if people didn't pay close attention to it.

'Will the Fire Stela appear on this cliff?' Austin wondered.

The warriors continued discussing as they occasionally raised their heads to look at the cliff. . . . .

"Marsh! You came!"

Two warriors approached Austin as he was observing the cliff.

"Ah. Nice to see you two,"

Austin said, getting up to greet them.

They were the two warriors he met in the Phoenix Tavern at Well Town.

"It seems like we were destined to cross paths with you again, Marsh.

Do you still remember us? Let me introduce ourselves again.

My name is Zack and this is Sawyer,"

Zack said, trying to start up a conversation.

Sawyer greeted Austin by cupping his fist with the other hand towards his chest in a salute.

"I'm Marsh," Austin replied, giving out the fabricated name he used when they first met.

"By the way, I thought you said you wouldn't come here to grasp the Fire Stela?"

he added.

"We weren't planning on coming here.

But then, we thought that since we've already travelled a great distance anyway, we should probably fulfil our wish of seeing the legendary Stela."

It was Sawyer who answered.

"I see,"

Austin said as he gave a little nod.


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