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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 804

The Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch of the Sky Sect breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Austin diverting his attention to the Fire Stela.

"Why don't we study the Fire Stela first? It's going to be easy for us to kill Austin the moment they disappear,"

the tall young man said as he gritted his teeth. He was still feeling incredibly drained out of all his energy and he had a sharp pain in his head.

His medium grade weapon was taken by Austin, which made everything more unbearably painful.

"Yes. He will be torn into pieces by us without any hope as long as the Fire Stela disappears!"

the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch said in chorus, angrily staring at Austin's back.

These ten warriors were famous among the youngsters in Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Proud as they were, they would rather not have met Austin, as it was too humbling for them to be defeated that easily.

Now, in order to regain some extra power in order to fight against Austin, they all sat studying the Fire Stela.

Except for these ten, Isis, the Holy Daughter of New Moon Sect, Holy Son of Ghost Puppet Sect and Mr. Gold Hand of Magic Hand Sect were all aware that Austin was too strong to be defeated for now.

With that, they knew that it would be better for them to study the Fire Stela first.

Maybe they would be able to get some unexpected cultivation methods or skills or something. Half a loaf of bread was better than no bread, anyway.

Since everyone realized what they had to do by then, they all sat cross-legged at the platform with their eyes closed and meditated on the Fire Stela.

Soon, total silence befell the area.

Austin was sitting cross-legged, too. Like the others, he was showered in rays of golden light. In the old stories, this was called the light of Buddha.

Gradually Austin felt himself passing into a certain state, a state wherein he could sense many hazy intent realms.

The Fire Stela rose up and gave off countless rays of golden lights. It shined like the sun, and everyone below it basked in the glory of its light. The golden red vital energy flowed in the air, and everyone on the platform was nourished.

Everyone lucky enough to be under The Fire Stella felt like their energies were being recharged. They were all starting to recuperate.

That was not all, however -- every inch of their bodies and bones were actually being refined. All the dross of and in their bodies were being cleansed. They felt themselves passing on an upper grade not only in body, but in skills as well.

Just like the sun, the Fire Stela kept on shining, changing from season to season.

After a while, Austin came to realize why even though no one had been able to get the incomparable cultivation method hidden inside the stela for so many years, still, a lot of people would come to study the Fire Stela.

He now understood that they knew that even if they couldn't get what they came for, they could at least get themselves improved -- not only in their bodies, but also their skills.

This was especially true to those who practiced masculinity formulas. With the help of the Fire Stela, they would be able to understand their formula more deeply, as it would be practiced with the help of the solar vital energy.

But then, amongst those warriors, there was still varied reactions to such energy. Some would be able to be refined in a much higher level, but others would only be able to be refined a little bit. It all depended on their qualities.

As for the warriors who were currently on the platform, since their cultivation bases weren't very high, they could only feel a sensation much like what they feel whenever warm sunshine hits them.

Those ones who didn't practice masculinity formulas, on the other hand, wouldn't find any use to the solar vital energy that was being presented to them at the moment.

Everyone wanted to get the incomparable cultivation method, but who would be able to get it, at long last?

After sitting in silence for an hour, some of the warriors have started to grow impatient. They worried that they might not get anything useful from what was happening.

A few of them had stopped meditating and decided to instead looked up at the huge stone tablet in front of them.

Soon enough, they activated their spiritual senses and let their sensations penetrate it.

But then, what was the point of doing that?

Austin had been studying the solar vital energy. Slowly but surely, he gained new information and insight about the Fire Stela.

He realized that the solar vital energy the Fire Stela gave off was a perfect match with the skill he was practicing -- the Golden Sun Scripture.

These two, when combined, would make each other stronger, faster than any type of practice.

Austin used to focus on gathering his vital energy to increase the connections of his neurons

but not to understand the intent realm.

Now, after being under the Fire Stela, he learned that the solar intent realm of the stone tablet was able to change the Golden Sun Scripture from the inside.

To his surprise, he suddenly noticed that his vital energy started to revolve inside his body.

It flowed according to the way his bodily functions regulated.

Because of that, the formula of the Golden Sun Scripture had been activated and had started to operate by itself.

Since such thing had never happened to Austin ever since he learned the Golden Sun Scripture, he became ecstatic as never before.


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