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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 808

A dozen Master Realm warriors who ran after Austin were closing on him already.

They would catch up with Austin in less than ten seconds.

As elites from five major sects in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, these Holy Sons and Daughters and the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch were all experts in the Master Realm cultivation base and occult martial arts skill. They were the best of the best so to speak.

They had effortlessly matched Austin's speed as they exercised their bodily movement skills.

What was more, Austin was heavily wounded, which slowed down and restricted his movements.

Austin relied on his elixirs and divine energy crystals in order to replenish his vital energy, which helped in boosting his Thunderbolt Movement Skill despite of his handicap.

However his injured energy meridians and poor vital energy circulation gradually lowered his speed.

During these kinds of emergencies, Austin made sure that he was linked with the City in his pocket via his spiritual sense so he could easily teleport himself into the City anytime he needed to. It was his last resort when things went stale.

But Austin was very reluctant to teleport himself into the City when the eyes of those pursuing warriors were fixed on him, because they would definitely discover his secret hideout in a flash.

It would be disastrous if anyone would find out about Austin's secret weapon. It would definitely wreck his plans.

For example, someone could arrange for an array which had the ability to cripple spatial teleportation in advance once they knew what Austin was capable of this time. If that happened, Austin would be certainly cornered.

But because of the critical situation, Austin decided not to overthink everything despite of the risk. Getting out alive was his top priority.

Determined, Austin lifted his head and looked around.

He noticed a small col not far from him. It was filled with jagged and grotesque rocks which varied in sizes. Some were small while some were taller than a normal adult.

Without further hesitation, Austin flew straight towards the col with a plan in mind.

In the blink of an eye, he delivered a dozen punches and smashed some of the jagged rocks into powder.

With every explosion of rocks, clouds of fine dust danced in the air within the col. It was as if a sand storm was passing by the area.

As the dust swirling about created a blanket of mist, Austin took this chance and teleported himself into the City, vanishing into thin air.

The City then shrunk into a grain of sand and mingled with the dust which filled the sky. . . . .

Boom, boom, boom.

Just a few seconds after Austin disappeared, a dozen figures cracked open the space and landed in the small col.

The Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch, the Holy Son of the Ghost Puppet Sect, Mr. Gold Hand of the Magic Hand Sect, and the Holy Daughter of the New Moon Sect all arrived at the area together.

The Holy Son of the Ghost Puppet Sect gently tapped the giant puppet bird, and as the bird flapped its wings, two hurricanes began to form and drove the blanket of dust away.

All the stones and dust were sent flying into the sky, which cleared the entire col.

But alas, Austin was nowhere to be found.

The entire col was cleared out but there was no trace of Austin at all. It was as if he just vanished into thin air.

Everyone released their spiritual sense and began to sense and search every nook and cranny within the col.

A dozen spiritual sense swept up and over between the cols.

While everyone was busy searching for Austin, another dozen warriors in the Master Realm cultivation base also arrived in the scene.

A majority of the warriors on the platform had cultivation base of Imperial Realm, but a small part of them were Master Realm warriors.

Everyone saw clearly that Austin had rushed into this small col but he never left, yet they couldn't sense him anywhere like he had disappeared into thin air.

This was thanks to the ability of Austin's City, which could isolate itself and prevent being detected via spiritual sense, unless masters whose cultivation base were above Astral Realm came. They could locate the City if they searched hard enough.

Everybody fervently searched for Austin's whereabouts using their spiritual senses for quite some time.

Despite that, nobody was able to find even a single trace of Austin's presence.

The Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch and several Holy Sons and Daughters stood there, quiet and sullen.

They lost Austin in broad daylight in this small area, not to mention Austin was already wounded when they lost him, they would be totally embarrassed if this news got out to the people. Their pride was crushed.

Thousands of warriors in the Imperial Realm cultivation base also descended and swamped into the small col.

The extra hands and manpower searched every inch of earth in the crevice. They were like ants swarming all over the place.

Many warriors urged their vital energy and dug a hole a dozen meters deep.

The col suddenly turned into an excavation pit!

The Master Realm masters soared up into the sky and suspended themselves above the col, their spiritual sense locking the col tightly.

Half a day had already passed but clues to Austin's whereabouts were still nowhere in sight. More and more warriors began to give up

and cursed as they left one by one.


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