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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 815

Austin decided to stay in the Elixir City for a few more days and look for opportunities to investigate the whereabouts of Angus's daughter.

He found a small hotel in a remote area of the city and checked in. He needed to ensure that he had a good place to rest and hide.

After he got a room for himself, he began to wander in the city, trying to find some clues which would help him locate Angus's daughter.

Moving around a little, Austin realized that the Elixir City was home to some amazing elixir stores.

And there were many such stores which lined any street one passed through.

Some of them would only purchase while some were busy selling.

The air was rich with the fragrance of various elixirs, making people feel refreshing and exhilarating.

As the Elixir City was in the vicinity of the headquarters of the Magic Hand Sect, the elixir business here shared great prosperity. To its benefit, it made use of the location advantage and abundant local resources.

Austin strolled and looked around casually. Indulged in the fragrant scent of the elixirs, it was too difficult for him to stop himself from giving loud shouts of applause.

Suddenly, a small stall on the street attracted Austin's attention. There was a banner which said that they were looking for new recruitments.

Many people had already gathered in front of that stall, and kept chatting and pointing at something.

Austin's curiosity made him get into the crowd.

There were two men who seemed to be the owners of the stall. They looked like two disciples from some sect.

A banner was hung before the stall. It said, 'Elder Drew needs to recruit two refinery assistants. Anyone who is able to pass the examination will have liberal wages and benefits. Outstanding assistants with superb talent will have an opportunity to join in the Magic Hand Sect.'

Like everyone, Austin was aware that the Magic Hand Sect was one of the five major sects in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Being a disciple in the Magic Hand Sect meant climbing up the social ladder for most of the cultivators who had no background in a sect.

Moreover, every disciple in the Magic Hand Sect had the opportunity to learn the pill refining skills. Pill refiner skills would make a person rise above the ordinary.

So the people crowding around the stall were all young warriors. They seemed to be waiting to make use of such an opportunity.

Two Magic Hand Sect disciples responsible for recruitment explained the recruitment process to everyone in detail.

Any cultivator who was interested in the recruitment needed to register first and take part in the examination. Only the top two, the most outstanding candidates would be selected if they passed the examination.

An idea began to take shape in Austin's mind as he watched the recruitment banner.

'If I could pass the examination and become the refinery assistant of the Magic Hand Sect, it would be more convenient for me to seek the whereabouts of Angus's daughter.'

Determined to put his plan into action, Austin left the stall immediately. When he was a little away from the crowd he got into a dark and empty alley. He turned himself into a plump juvenile aged around seventeen or eighteen years old.

He hoped the disguise would work. Slowly he walked out of the alley and back to the stall for registration.

After the registrations had finished, two Magic Hand Sect disciples handed over a paper slip to Austin and told him to take the examination next morning. The place of the examination was written on the slip. . .

Austin was eager to know what would happen. So the next morning, he reached the place written on the slip quite early.

The place turned out to be a branch of the Magic Hand Sect located within the area of the Elixir City.

Austin was surprised when he saw two to three hundred applicants already waiting outside the gate of the branch of the Magic Hand Sect. They seemed to be ready to appear for the examination.

And why wouldn't they! The Magic Hand Sect was a renowned sect.

It was bound to attract hundreds of cultivators to compete for a single position as a refinery assistant, let alone two all at once!

After some time, a few disciples came out of the branch office and took all the applicants to a small square.

They all were made to settle down there.

About half an hour later, the examination finally kicked off.

There were three disciples who were at the premium stage of Imperial Realm in the Magic Hand Sect who were given the responsibility to conduct the examination.

One of the three men was named Fitch, a man with common looks. He was in charge of the examination being conducted.

The second man was as thin as a bamboo pole. His name was Len.

The third one named Lind was a short and stout man.

"Listen everybody! The examination has two rounds. The first round will test your knowledge about the elixirs.

As each one of you has come here to apply for the position of a refinery assistant, I am sure you have some knowledge about the elixirs.


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