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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 835

After leaving the headquarters of Magic Hand Sect, Austin activated his spiritual sense to check the current situation.

He saw that the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch from the Sky Sect, Xavier, Winnie and Isis were closely behind him.

Winnie and Isis were inside the beautiful sedan, activating it to move towards his direction.

Austin surmised that the sedan was some sort of flying magic treasure.

Upon seeing this, he realized that he was definitely in trouble.

On his own, he stood no chance in defeating thirteen powerful cultivators in a fight. He had to outrun them.

He activated the Thunderbolt Movement Skill to help him move as fast as he could. There was a sizzling sound of thunder radiance as he advanced forward like a flash.

Since they were in the sky, the speed of the bodily movement skill one exerted depended on the vital energy cultivation base.

The Thunderbolt Movement Skill Austin exhibited was already quite fast. However, he was just at the preliminary stage of Imperial Realm

while twelve of the thirteen cultivators who were pursuing him were at the Master Realm.

It was impossible for Austin to get rid of them because they were just too fast.

The distance between him and the thirteen warriors kept decreasing.

Noticing that his enemies were already close to approaching him, Austin knew that the only way for him to throw them off was to hide in the City.

'But if I used the City now, they would discover it, ' he contemplated.

He activated his spiritual sense to help him discern his surroundings.

A few seconds later, a smile crossed his face.

'There is a big river in front of a mountain ahead of me.

This is my chance, ' he frantically thought.

He picked up his pace and flew towards the river.

He arrived above the river within a few moments.

He then came down and stood in the middle of the water.

He communicated with the City he was carrying and the teleportation power transferred him into it.

The City grew smaller and smaller until it was finally as small as a grain of sand. It fell into the water and joined the gravel bed.

Since the water in the river moved quickly, the grains of sand moved down along the current.

The City kept moving downstream.

.. .

Barely missing Austin, the thirteen people landed on the ground near the river.

"That cunning brat. He hid again like the last time," Isis furiously growled, gnashing her teeth.

She had met Austin face-to-face twice in the headquarters of Magic Hand Sect without recognizing him.

She couldn't help but flare up at the thought.

The thirteen cultivators immediately released their spiritual senses to search for Austin in the river.

However, no matter how hard they searched in the river, they found no sign of their enemy.

"That brat must have hidden inside a magic treasure like last time.

Let's split up and scour the vicinity carefully.

He can't have gone too far,"

the lanky leader of the Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch suggested, trying hard to control his anger.

The rest took his advice. Some went upstream and some went downstream.

One of them even split the water with his powerful vital energy force so that he could check the bottom of the river.

What they didn't know was that they were doomed to fail to track Austin down.

The reason was simple: the City could avoid being detected by spiritual sense.

There was no way the Master Realm cultivators would be able to sense it.

Half a day later, the group still had not found any clues.

They were overwhelmed with rage.

It was the second time they let Austin get away.

"Stay here. I don't believe that he'll hide in here for the rest of his life!"

The Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch were all outraged.

They were the ones who were tasked to hunt down Austin.

They initially did not understand why the elders of Sky Sect had sent all of them to pursue a weak cultivator who was just at the premium stage of Sky Realm.


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