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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 849

Seeing four maidservants kneel before him, Austin couldn't bear to lift his Lightning Sword.

The more he encountered ruthless opponents, the more he could get brutal too. However, in that situation, he seemed to be softening like a kitten's fur.

Austin kept staring at those four delicate and charming maidservants. Finally the murderous intentions gradually faded away after he hesitated for a while.

He then put away the Lightning Sword in his Space Ring.

The maidservants suddenly heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing Austin's action.

"Where are you from?" Austin asked.

"We come from the deep ocean in the Middle World Waters," one of the maidservants hurriedly answered.

They were still quite obviously frightened.


The deep ocean in the Middle World Waters?"

Austin gazed at them blankly for a moment. Their hometown was exactly his destination.

In all honesty, he didn't expect it to be at the bottom of the sea in the Middle World Waters.

"You said you are not our kind. What does that mean? You're not human beings?" Austin asked, puzzled.

Their eyes were dreamy blue, quite distinct from the others.

But apart from their eyes, they shared the same characteristic with ordinary human beings.

Austin felt dubious as a sense of queerness enveloped the maidens.

"Young hero, to tell you the truth, we are actually mermaids."

That maidservant quickly responded, knowing that their lives were at the mercy of Austin.

She dared not to conceal anything; otherwise, they'd be in fatal danger.

"Mermaids?" Austin curiously asked in great surprise.

The image of a beauty with a long tail and damp hair crept into his mind.

'Does this kind of creature really exist?' Austin pondered.

"Young hero, I will show you my natural body."

Seeing how Austin was full of apprehension, that maidservant thought he didn't believe her words.

Her exquisite and delicate body did a somersault in the air, and a ring of queer blue light radiated.

The lower part of her body turned into an exquisite fishtail.

Her torso, up to her head, constituted a charming beauty. Yet everything else down was a long fishtail filled with scales.

Austin couldn't move for a second. He was still grasping the reality at the moment.

With his spiritual sense, he knew the strange body of the mermaid was real instead of some kind of an illusion.

No form of illusion can deceive Austin's spiritual sense.

It seemed the maidservant was telling the truth after all.

After a moment, that maidservant did another somersault and turned her body back to that of a human's.

"Arise first," Austin instructed the maidservants.

Knowing Austin had abandoned the intention of killing them, the four maidservants kowtowed a few times before they stood up.

"Thanks a million for not killing us, young hero."

Happiness was etched on their faces as they tasted their freedom. . .

"If you are from the Middle World Waters, how did you get captured by Ronald and reduced to slaves?" Austin asked in curiosity.

He had been meaning to ask that question. After all, it was really baffling how such sea creatures could be captured by a human.

"Well, it's a long story, young hero.

We, members of the mermaid tribe, mainly live at the bottom of the Middle World Waters.

We prefer to keep ourselves in no contact from the mainland world.

However, we, mermaids have a characteristic of transforming into a normal human being once we reach a certain level of cultivation.

Our mermaid tails will vanish and be transformed into a set of normal feet and legs.

The sexual intercourse between a man and a mermaid, who transformed into a woman, would make the vital energy of the former purer. He could accelerate a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Therefore human men always love to capture mermaid women and keep them as sex slaves to boost their cultivation process.

For us four sisters, we have been living at the bottom of the Middle World Waters since we were young and the outside world had always had an intense appeal to us.

One day, we sneaked out to the surface of the sea and got captured by human warriors.

Then they trafficked us to the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom where we were bought by Ronald."

Austin now finally understood what they had been through.

"Young hero, you are a noble and righteous man. We would like to serve you and help you boost your cultivation process if it pleases you."


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