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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 854

Five crystal warships were going at full speed. Austin sat cross-legged as he practiced his Golden Sun Scripture in his room.

Even though the warships were fast enough, it still would take them seven to ten days, to reach Middle World Waters.

Since Austin hated being bored, he did something productive and meaningful instead of sleeping the journey away.

But before they could reach their destination, something of great importance happened. It was the day they set out for the Middle World Waters.

Austin had boarded one of the five crystal and they were heading for their destination.

In the heart of Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom's Evergreen City, something was happening inside the secret chamber under the Song Clan's ancestral house.

An old man was sitting on his chair, cross-legged. He was motionless.

Because of that, he looked dead, which was understandable, but something was amiss -- his appearance was changing constantly!

Sometimes, he would appear as a mid-aged strong man, then he would change into a weathered old man with a mostly bald head and grey hair.

After a while, he changed and became a handsome young boy.

Basically, his changing appearance was mirroring how a man would look like in the different stages of his life.

No one knew how much time had already passed, but he finally stopped changing the appearances and returned to his true self at one point.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and two rays of incredibly bright light rushed out from them, lighting up the relatively dark chamber.

At that moment, it became apparent that the chamber was full of horrified and depressed aura that arose from him.

Soon enough, he had fully impacted every inch of the place with his power.

"I have conquered the three inexorable dooms, but when would I achieve immortality?

How long will I have to keep doing this?"

the old man bitterly asked out loud, looking helpless.

After a few moments, he got his mind out of the concentration of the practice.

"My poor grandson, I'll never forget how you died.

Trust me. I'll avenge you. He who killed you will pay dearly for his crime!"

he shrieked in agony, lamenting the fate of his beloved grandson.

As he said that, he raised his hand and grasped something in the air.

It turned out to be a wisp of Austin's spiritual soul. With it, he would be able to sense Austin if he was anywhere near him.

The old man had the ability to recognize spiritual souls. He copied the features of the spiritual souls and put them into several jade slips.

And then he spoke some secret ancient incantations. After that, they all disappeared into thin air.

The news was quickly spreading throughout the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

"What? Ronald, the second son of the Song Clan, was killed? How?" one citizen loudly asked as she heard the news.

The patriarch of Song Clan declared that they were going to track down the heartless murderer no matter what it would take.

When the news first broke, the Song Clan and the whole Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom were stunned.

It was known to all people residing in the kingdom that Ronald was an immature heir who had done a lot of villainy to citizens.

As he hadn't done anything good, no one liked him.

Much worse, a lot of people wanted to kill him.

But no one even dared as he was the grandson of Song Clan's patriarch.

The patriarch was one of the most powerful superiors in all of Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. His cultivation base was extremely high.

He was an old man who was selfish, irritable and liked to defend his kids and grandchildren even if they were the ones who made a mistake.

With that deadly combination, not one soul ever defied Ronald.

To their surprise, though they would never admit that it was a pleasant one, the notorious evildoer had been murdered!

Secretly, they all celebrated the fact that Ronald was dead and were already admiring the one who did it.

They wondered who was bold enough to lay a hand, not to mention kill, Ronald.

"Didn't he know what the patriarch of Song Clan would do if he discovered he was the one who killed his grandson?

He's dumb for doing that but hey -- he is a real hero," one whispered to another, as they gossiped about this unprecedented development. Indeed!

Austin was sitting in his room quietly practicing his Golden Sun Scripture.

When he activated the formula of Golden Sun Scripture, the Fire Stela in his elixir field had released the power that helped extract and purify the five dragons which coagulated from the essence of the waste elixirs in the Magic Hand Sect's Abandoned Elixir Cellar.

These five dragons were now floating around the surface of the Fire Stela. They had tried to escape, but they were no match for the strong power of the Fire Stela.

By extracting and purifying the energies of these dragons, Austin was able to integrate a huge amount of pure vital energy into his body.

Because of that, he had made a rapid progress in practicing the Golden Sun Scripture.

Seven days after he started, Austin sensed the sign of a breakthrough once again.

This shocked him slightly.

It wasn't too long ago that he was able to reach the medium stage of the Imperial Realm. He couldn't believe that he could have another breakthrough in such a short span of time.

But his gut would never fool him.


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