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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 865

After punching the shark which was a medium stage beast master, Austin kept executing his martial art skills.

Creating a giant vital energy hand, he held the injured shark.

As he kept launching the Thunderbolt Movement Skill, he advanced forward at lightning speed dragging the shark with him.

Just at that time, terrifying sharks leaped out of the water, one after the other.

There were many of them. Within a few moments, Austin saw nearly four or five hundred sharks that had leaped in and out of the sea surface.

When he was dashing forward, Austin activated the teleportation power of the City and teleported the injured shark through it.

The three sharks were beast masters and would help him increase his physical strength by about 20, 000 pounds. So, he was unwilling to let them off. .

Austin had moved ahead for a little distance.

There was a red flash and a man in red robes appeared at the place where Austin had met three sharks. He was with an anaconda measuring a length of more than 1, 000 meters lying under his feet.

The moment his eyes fell to his feet, he glimpsed at the stretch of water which was stained by blood.

His face fell.

"A bunch of useless garbage!" he mumbled.

He seemed to be very furious.

Making a random movement with his right hand, he released a streak of demonic aura.

Suddenly the silence all around was broken by sounds of explosion.

It sounded as if many balloons had exploded simultaneously.

Instantly, dozens of sharks that were at level eight and nine rushed out of the water. They were hit by the demonic aura and exploded.

Their blood and fleshy organs got spattered all over the air and turned everything red. The stink of shark blood suddenly filled the space.

It did not take more than a moment for the sea surface to be completely reddened by the shark blood.

Seeing that scene, the other sharks were scared to death. They didn't dare to show up on the water after that.

All the sharks which were floating on the sea surface dived into the water hurriedly and swam away desperately.

Within moments, the noisy atmosphere was replaced by a dreadful silence.

The man robed in red turned into a red flash and dashed forward. At the same moment he unleashed a demonic aura.


Quickly Austin teleported the severely injured shark into the City.

Then he went forward at top speed using the Thunderbolt Movement Skill.

For several moments there was silence.

Suddenly the sound of water stirring and bubbling was heard.

The sea in front of Austin started to shake violently.

Out of the sea, five demonic eels, leaped out. Each of them had a length of more than 1, 000 meters and they leaped out with a lightning speed.

Those were the lightning eels!

Austin was able to recognize the marine beast instantly.

The lightning eels were famous for their speed and brutality.

A commotion was heard from beneath the water. It seemed as if something was bringing storms in the sea.

Perceiving with his spiritual sense, Austin realized that there were numerous lightning eels rushing towards the sea surface.

Apparently, their purpose was to obstruct him.

As the five lightning eels rose up above the sea, they turned into streaks of lightning. All those five flashes were charging towards Austin.

Using his spiritual sense, Austin was able to sense something.

He was able to perceive that the five lightning eels were beast masters at the preliminary stage.

Each of them was equal to a cultivator who was at the preliminary stage of Master Realm.

Taking advantage of the teleportation power of the City, Austin didn't dodge.

He stood just where he was for a moment, and then he made a movement.

Instead of moving back, he accelerated his movement and confronted the five lightning eels.

Meanwhile, he manipulated his strength and the City to get ready to teleport.

Five hundred meters...

Then four hundred meters...

Next three hundred meters...

Two hundred meters...

One hundred meters!

Just one tenth of the time of a breath had passed.

Austin narrowed the gap between him and the five lightning eels to 100 meters.

It was the time!

Quickly, the teleportation power wrapped them up.

The next moment, all of them disappeared from the sight. .

Austin's speed was not affected at all. He headed forward and left vague shadows behind.

Instantly, he flew across, moving more than 1, 000 meters away.


The sound of rippling water resonated continuously.

Numerous lightning eels dashed out of the water.

It looked like numerous arrows were shooting high up in the air from the sea!

After a little time had passed, with a red flash, the man clothed in red, reached the area where Austin met the five lightning eels.


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