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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 871

"Yes. His name is Kurt, one of the Cyan Flood Dragon King's followers," Olivia replied.

Being a princess of the mermaid tribe, she knew many famous sea beasts in the Middle World Waters.

"A follower!" Austin muttered, surprise evident in his eyes.

'The man in the red robe is really powerful. He is even stronger than an Astral Realm cultivator!

But he is just one of the Cyan Flood Dragon King's subordinates, ' he thought, furrowing his eyebrows.

'That means that the Cyan Flood Dragon King has other subordinates who are much stronger than him.

And that's still not considering that the Cyan Flood Dragon King is much, much more formidable in terms of strength!'

Ever since Austin had reached the Middle World Waters, most sea beasts he had encountered had been weaker than a beast master. Undoubtedly, Kurt was the most difficult adversary he had ever come upon in the region.

With that, Austin was finally able to form his opinion on the beasts in the Middle World Waters.

Before, he thought the beasts preferred to attack their enemies together, mainly because they were not strong enough.

But after all that he had been through, he had realized that this notion was wrong.

'It turns out I just haven't met the powerful sea beasts the Middle World Waters boasts of just yet, ' he said inwardly, chuckling.

"This area is heavily infested by lots of sea beasts. The chances for you to survive if you decide to fight your way out are very slim,"

Austin said frankly.

'These six mermaids are too weak. They surely wouldn't be able to handle several level-nine and level-ten sea beasts, not to mention the beast masters, ' he remarked in his head, sighing.

The six girls shared knowing glances with one another.

Then, all of a sudden, they all knelt down before Austin at the same time.

"What... What are you girls doing?"

Austin asked, taken aback by the sudden gesture.

"Sir, we have a favor to ask," Olivia began, looking up at Austin's face.

"Only if you help us, might we be able to get to the Outer Third Ring waters,"

she said earnestly.

"You... you want me to escort you?"

Austin asked, a frown slowly creeping up his lips.

He was indeed feeling pity for the six mermaids, but he didn't want to get himself involved with the fights that were happening amongst the sea beasts of the Middle World Waters.

Besides, he just came here to practice the Beast Energy-extracting Skill!

He was also planning to search for that ancient master's residence and take some treasures there.

With these in mind, he greatly hesitated giving in to the girls' pleas. 'I have so many things to do. I do not need to get sidetracked, ' he thought, breathing deeply.

"Sir, I know it's a rude request, but as you could see, we're all out of options.

My father and my whole tribe are stuck in the ancestor mausoleum.

We have also lost contract with our elder sister.

Please, sir, they are all counting on us to find people who would be able to rescue them. It would be impossible for us to finish this task on our own.

Please, help our clan!

If you agree to do us this favor, I will give you three bottles of Magic Sea Water.

On top of that, we will serve you as your maids. I heard you men enjoy sleeping with..." Olivia's speech abruptly stopped, and Austin noticed that her cheeks became colored in crimson.

She was too shy to finish whatever she wanted to say.

Before Austin could make any kind of response, a thrilled, shaking voice rang out from his Soul Sea.

"No way! Magic Sea Water?

She really is talking about Magic Sea Water! Just say yes, you brat!"

The gnome sounded inexplicably excited.

"Is Magic Sea Water some kind of a valuable elixir?"

Austin asked the gnome through his spiritual sense.

Since the gnome knew more about precious natural resources than he did, his excitement about it made Austin wonder it was some kind of rare thing, a rare treasure. 'Why is this guy so excited?' he thought.

"Absolutely!" the gnome replied in a high-pitched voice. "Magic Sea Water is one of the three legendary magic liquids. It is super rare.

It is said that magic liquid is a great life source and a mere drop of it contains enormous vital energy.

It would help anyone regrow lost limbs or organs! Heck, it would even resurrect the dead!


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