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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 875

Kurt was standing on the water python which he had created by his demonic force and kept flying forward. His speed was equal to that of Carp.

The other Transformation Realm sea beasts were following him. They too were not slower than both of them.

Austin was moving ahead too. He took out many healing pills and put them into his mouth.

He was badly hurt this time.

The four sea beasts that were at the Transformation Realm were actually as strong as four human cultivators at the Astral Realm.

They were attacking Austin together, and it was being extremely difficult to face them. It cost him almost all his strength to survive for such a long time against them. And finally he had managed to escape.

Austin sent across his spiritual sense force behind to check on where his rivals were as they were surely following him.

The four figures were indeed pursuing him. They seemed to be moving as quickly as flashing light.

Behind them, numerous sea beasts also were rushing towards him. They were howling loudly, with the intention clearly to kill him.

Austin became very anxious at that moment. He was bewildered by the forces that were after him and there seemed to be no way out!

He was afraid that he could not last long if he kept flying and those beasts kept chasing him like that.

The four sea beasts at the Transformation Realm were not slower than him. He was worried that soon they would be able to reach him.

Austin thought hard about every possible way to flee from them. He did not want to get caught or get into a combat again with them.

All of a sudden, something hit a nerve in his mind.

It struck him when his eyes fell upon the surface of the boundless sea.

'Do I really have to keep above the sea and fly in the air?

It is empty above the sea so they can see far across and nothing will block their sights.

That is not good for me for it isn't feasible to escape while I am in plain sight.

But it is totally different under the sea.

There are all kinds of rocks, corals and even huge mountains under the sea.

And the different kinds of plants too will provide me good cover. Under the sea, the environment is complicated. That will make it easy for me to hide and run away.

Moreover, when I go under the sea, I can transport myself into the City and let the City turn into a grain of sand again. It could stay someplace safe on the mountain.

In such a complicated environment it will be impossible for the sea beasts to find me. At least it will be more difficult than being above the sea.'

Austin thought deeply about the plan.

As soon as the idea started to make sense to him, Austin did not hesitate to carry it out. He started moving his body even faster. After he flew another one kilometer, all of a sudden he changed his direction. He was going to dive down the water.

He jumped into the sea quickly.

Gaining momentum, he swam down. He had to make use of this opportunity.

He gave off his vital energy and a defense cover began to take shape which was made by his vital energy force. It encircled Austin's body and separated the sea water from his body.

In a moment, he was able to move a few kilometers below the surface of the sea.


Above the sea, there was confusion.

A few seconds after Austin had jumped into the sea, both Kurt and Carp reached the place from where Austin had disappeared.

They were baffled that the young human had just vanished from their view.

"That guy actually would dare to jump into the sea!

Good! It is our world. He can't be safe from us under the sea!

As a human being, he made a really bold move to go there!"

Kurt said with a cold smile.

Then he leaped and broke across the surface of the sea. He dived down, intent on chasing Austin continuously.

"You stinker! You cannot escape from us!"

Carp shouted fiercely as he was filled with anger.

He too jumped down into the sea swiftly. Creating ripples that moved across dozens of meters, he disappeared underwater soon.

After a short while, two more sea beasts which were also at the Transformation Realm arrived.

Behind them, countless sea beasts flooded the water as they were following the sea beasts which were at the Transformation Realm.

"The young man has jumped into the sea. Everybody, search under the water!"

It was the man who was standing on the shell of the turtle. He had a short neck and wide back. He was giving orders to the sea beasts that followed him and his companion.

Instantly, all the sea beasts started to go into the sea and swam downwards.

After a short while, the surface of the sea which had been so noisy suddenly turned as quiet as usual.

While the sea beasts were still chasing him, Austin kept moving forward under the sea.

He swam swiftly and kept going ahead deeper in the sea.

Soon, using his spiritual sense force he found out that Kurt and Carp had also jumped into the sea.

They were not going to let go of him at all.

They were a few kilometers behind him.


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