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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 877

Austin knew exactly what this meant.

He had successfully mastered the first stage of the Golden Sun Scripture!

Reigning in his excitement, Austin gathered his vital energies again in order to connect his mind with the huge golden ball.

The ball of light suddenly shook once Austin's mind took control of it.

In a split second, it darted towards Austin's body and slipped into his elixir field.

Then it stopped and anchored itself near the Fire Stela.

To Austin's sheer amazement, a second ball of golden light suddenly appeared in his elixir field.

But it was quite small, much smaller than the other ball.

Although it was just as small as a sesame seed, Austin could clearly feel it for its golden light radiated bright and strong.

And this was actually a good sign.

Because this was a sign that Austin had already entered the second tier to practice the Golden Sun Scripture.


Austin took a deep breath to calm himself down, and subdued the burning energy within him to a normal level.

Austin sighed and immediately began meditating deeply.

He never expected that he would be able to improve his cultivation base to such an extent in such a short period of time! It was simply unbelievable.

Thanks to his relentless efforts, he had finally mastered the first tier of the Golden Sun Scripture.

Moreover, he had even achieved a cultivation base of preliminary stage of Master Realm at the same time. It was like hitting two birds with one stone.

He succumbed to depression and frustration after he was badly injured. But all the pain and suffering finally paid off because of what he had achieved.

But this amazing result also puzzled Austin. And questions started to pop up in his mind.

He wondered whether this resulted from the fierce battle between him and the four terrifyingly powerful Transformation Realm sea beasts. It could have stimulated his level of cultivation base to a large extent.

It seemed like such a do-or-die battle was really a good training ground to improve a warrior's cultivation base. There was just so much one could learn from experience during fights, and things that you couldn't experience when training.


Over a day had already passed since he hid in the City.

He wondered whether the four Transformation Realm sea beasts were still out there, scouring every nook and cranny of this mountain under the sea searching for him.

The mountain under the sea where Austin was currently located was huge. It extended for more than one hundred thousand miles. And one couldn't even see both of its ends.

It was extremely enormous compared to some of the mountains found on land, which looked like little hills in comparison.

The seaweeds on the mountain, which looked like trees, were quite long extending for dozens of meters in length. Colorful corals were scattered all over the land mass, which looked like a bed of flowers, formed a spectacular picture under the sea. Numerous types of algae floated aimlessly everywhere, as if they were drifting in the sea.

It was indeed an amazing place for a hideout!


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