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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 881

Just after Austin left, Kurt appeared exactly on top of where Austin and the White Flood Dragon were fighting just moments ago.

He immediately put his beast soul energy to use and sensed what had happened and where Austin and his foe was.

Soon enough, he found himself frowning out of frustration.

There was no sign of the White Flood Dragon. It was obvious that he had been taken by the human teenager.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Three figures swooped in from the sky and stopped next to Kurt.

They were the other three sea beasts who were at the Transformation Realm.

"Where is Prince Fergus?"

asked the man who had a short neck and a wide back. From his tone, it was obvious that he was nervous.

Kurt heard him but decided to not answer. The man didn't welcome the silence and immediately said angrily, "Prince Fergus has always lived in his palace! He has never cared about these kinds of things!

Who on earth told him about that stupid kid?"

Kurt was still silent, but he was starting to feel rage bubbling up inside him. When he could not contain his anger anymore, he let out a dreadful roar.

It was so loud that it was heard thousands of kilometers away. The waters beneath him even began surging uncontrollably, with the waves rising hundreds of meters high.

Despite the fact that the human teenager was only at the Imperial Realm, he had been the only one causing troubles in the waters of the Second Outer Ring these days.

Now, even the son of the Cyan Flood Dragon King had been captured by him!

Now, they, the powerful and dreaded sea beasts at the Transformation Realm, who had always dominated the Middle World Waters, were at a loss as to what to do next.

They were afraid that if the Cyan Flood Dragon King learned of what had happened, they would be blamed and would be given a punishment.

At the thought of the Cyan Flood Dragon King's terrible strength and cruel means, the four sea beasts at the Transformation Realm started to tremble with fear.

"What should we do now?

If we continue forward, we will reach the Third Outer Ring."

Carp apprehensively said to the other sea beasts, looking at the sea ahead.

They were all subordinates of the Cyan Flood Dragon King, who dominated only the sea areas of the Second Outer Ring. If they didn't inform the rulers of the Third Outer Ring in advance and just rushed into their area rashly, the sea beasts there would definitely be suspicious of their intentions. If that ever happened, the consequences would be more serious.

The division of territory between the different ruling sea beasts of the Middle World Waters was in fact very clear and orderly.

Generally, no one dared to break that set division randomly.

"We have no other choice!

The two bitches from the mermaid tribe, who are the prisoners that the Cyan Flood Dragon King has specifically ordered us to hunt down, are now with that human teenager.

Now, Prince Fergus has also been seized by the little shit!

Now, if we enter the Third Outer Ring, we must catch our culprit as fast as we can, so that nobody will notice that we are there," Kurt said in an authoritative voice, laying out all the facts in front of his team.

"Because if we don't do that and the Cyan Flood Dragon King asks about this whole thing in the future, who will bear brunt of his anger? Us! None other than us!"

he shouted, as he turned to the three other sea beasts beside him. They, too, were seeing his point.

"But... but... but it's not really smart for so many sea beasts to just rush into the Third Outer Ring, isn't it?

So just order the other sea beasts to stay here and wait for us!

We four will be the ones to go into the Third Outer Ring to hunt for the human boy. We will be undetectable!"

Carp reasoned earnestly. Kurt looked at him, then at the large number of sea beasts that were following them.

'Carp is right, ' he thought. The sheer number of them would only cause more trouble than good.

If any of his decisions led to a war between the two waters, he would be fully responsible for it and all the serious consequences it might cause. Not one would want that, so he had no objections.

"If necessary, we can even bribe those small leaders of the sea beasts in the Third Outer Ring and

make them help us deal with the human boy.

After all, he is a human -- he doesn't belong to our race or any other races in the Third Outer Ring.

I don't think they will object to our hunting for that annoying creature."

Carp continued, slowly drawing up a whole plan for them.

The three sea beasts nodded in unison and agreed.

Soon, Kurt ordered the sea beast army that had followed them to stop in place and to seal off the waters nearby.

After the army settled down, the four sea beasts at the Transformation Realm started to head towards the Third Outer Ring.


Austin was moving at an incredibly fast speed thanks to his Thunderbolt Movement Skill.

Soon enough, he found himself crossing the boundary between the Second and the Third Outer Ring.

He was finally at the Third Outer Ring.

Remembering his pursuers, he used his spiritual sense to observe what was going on behind him.

A deep frown appeared on his face.

He couldn't believe that the four sea beasts were still chasing after him!


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