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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 883

When they were about a kilometer away from the Sand City, Austin and Olivia landed on the ground.

They decided to avoid flying to the Sand City directly in case that would cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

They landed on the outskirts of the Sand City.

After they landed on the ground, they used their bodily movement skills to go to the gate of the Sand City.

After paying a thousand superior vital energy crystals respectively, they entered the Sand City without any hassle.

The street was full of people everywhere and looked very busy. There were many shops on both sides of the street, selling various kinds of interesting products. The owners bargained loudly with customers from time to time.

Among them, most of the goods sold in the stores were products related to the sea beasts.

They bought and sold beast cores and bodies of the sea beasts, as well as some precious elixirs, rare ores and other products from the sea.

Austin strolled down the street with the beautiful Olivia, relishing the familiar life of human beings in the crowd.

Moving from the boundless and sparsely populated sea to the bustling human city, he felt a strong sense of striking contradiction in both the scenarios, like a strong sense of space-time transformation.

The size of the Sand City was not huge, but the flow of the people was very large and the street was very crowded. The flourishing market was rare for such a small city.

It might be because the Sand City was the junction of the mainland and the Middle World Waters. Most of human cultivators who intended to enter the Middle World Waters would choose to settle in the Sand City first.

Austin walked down the street slowly, watching so many human cultivators from different forces, sects, and countries to go up and down the street. . .

He even overheard some conversations that shocked him very much.

"Is the news reliable? That the ancient master's lost palace under the sea will come out somewhere in the Middle World Waters?"

"Of course it's reliable. Haven't you seen it yet?

More and more human cultivators from different sects and countries have come to the Sand City now.

I notice that almost all the forces in the South Continent of the Prime Martial World seem to be on their way to the Middle World Waters.". .

Several cultivators who passed by Austin were talking in a low mumbling voice as they walked by.

But Austin's spiritual sense was very powerful, so he could hear their words clearly.

These cultivators were at the Master Realm.

They came across as extremely strong cultivators and had a lot of experience in killing people. .

"Elder Wu, are we going to stay in the Sand City tonight?"

"No, we aren't. Now, we will go to buy some pills and necessary supplies needed to survive in the sea. Then we will go straight to the Middle World Waters.

We need to work faster. Many great forces have sent disciples into the sea areas to search for the lost house of the ancient master for several days. If we do not speed up, we will definitely fall behind.

In fact we are already slower than them. If they find the house of the ancient master first and get all the treasures, all the work and efforts we have made will go in vain."

"Yes, your anxiety is justified because I have heard that the royal family of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom was the first to send people into the Middle World Waters to search for the house of the ancient master.

They have also recruited a large number of independent cultivators to help them gather information and increase the efficiency of their search.

What they haven't expected was that some independent cultivators have secretly spread the news out. That has created a bit of hassle for them.

Because when the other big forces heard about the news, they also sent people to the Middle World Waters one after another.". .

Another group of people passed by Austin. There were thirty to forty people in the group. They were talking to each other without noticing Austin beside them.

Austin discovered that these people were disciples from the Cyan Sect of the Elite Holy Kingdom.

He applied his spiritual sense quickly to sense the strength of the group.

Austin found that they all had powerful strength, especially the three leaders of the team, who were three old men at Astral Realm.

But he failed to locate Sissi and Susan in the team. They were all strangers. .

Then, Austin saw people from different forces of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom one after another, including the Veritable Demon Sect, the New Moon Sect and the Sky Sect.

All the forces of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom had sent powerful people there. The leaders of the various teams were all strong people belonging to the Astral Realm.

What came as a pleasant surprise to Austin was that he also found three acquaintances, who were Mr. Gold Hand from the Magic Hand Sect, Winnie and Isis from the New Moon Sect.


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