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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 888

After leaving the gate of the Sand City, the ferocious man who was a sea beast at the Transformation Realm, led Austin and other people as they flew off from the ground. They flew in the direction of the sea area which was the Third Outer Ring.

They were not moving quite fast. The six women of the mermaid tribe owned comparatively lower cultivation base. In order to keep pace with them, the whole team flew slowly.

After they traveled for about two or three thousand meters, they were caught up and stopped by some cultivators.

"Boy! Stop! Don't fly ahead!"

The people coming from that direction shouted. There were more than a dozen cultivators flying from the other direction. These people passed all the others but kept barring Austin's way.

'Hmmm. There comes the trouble!'

Austin frowned, thinking about the intentions of these people.

Among these people who were standing on the way, Austin suddenly noticed a familiar face.

It was Cayon, who had claimed to be a disciple of the Holy Sect. Austin had come across him in the sea area of the Third Outer Ring earlier.

"Hmm! You bastard! I'm sure you did not think of meeting me again! I finally found you, and it is time for revenge!"

Cayon stared at Austin, with a corner of his mouth lifting up in a smirk.

With the support from the strong elder from his sect, he thought he could definitely teach Austin a good lesson this time. He could hardly restrain his eagerness to beat Austin who was standing before him.

"So, young man. Is it you who killed the disciple of our Holy Sect?"

The elder from the Holy Sect asked directly, with undisguised arrogance in his tone.

He recognized from the fluctuations of vital energy force around Austin that the young man was only at the preliminary stage of Master Realm. As far as the elder was concerned, the strength of this young man was really low and was no match for him.

"Yes! You are right. It is me.

What's the matter?"

Austin answered, with a soft smile and calm expression on his face.

'What did he just say?'

The people around were stunned on hearing what Austin had said.

'What kind of an attitude was that?' Such thoughts arose in the minds and hearts of most of the people around.

'This young man had killed the disciple of their sect. And now, an elder of the sect has come for revenge.

How could he still be this arrogant?' People were confused by Austin's behavior. 'What's the matter? How could he ask such a question to an elder?'

Such thoughts and questions kept lurking in the minds of the people. 'He seems to look down upon the Holy Sect. He did not even hide his ignorance.'

"How audacious!"

"How dare you!"

"How dare you talk to our elder with such arrogance!"

"Son of a bitch! This is an elder of our Holy Sect. You killed disciples of our sect. If I were you, I would kneel down immediately before him and plead for my life!"

Austin's calm attitude completely provoked the other disciples of the Holy Sect, who had come there with the elder. They shouted angrily at Austin. There were many bad words and abuses that kept coming from their mouths again and again.

'Ha ha! This young man is interesting!'

The ferocious man who was the sea beast at the Transformation Realm thought in his heart. He stood observing it all with his arms crossed across his chest. He stood aside, looking at Austin with great interest.

"You bastard! Are you scared and freaked out now?

How dare you blabber before us?

Huh! You will know the meaning of the word scared soon!"


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