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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 891

The ferocious man took Austin and the others to the people who were standing at the center of the square.

"Master Justin, these are the people you were looking for,"

the ferocious man said respectfully to one of the middle-aged men.

Austin looked up at the middle-aged man who was about 40, wearing a funny hat, and looked very strong.

The man's gaze was sharper than an eagle's and it gave off such a powerful force that made people afraid to have eye contact with him. 'He must be the king of this palace!' Austin thought.

"All right,"

Justin said, as he nodded and looked at the two princesses of the mermaid tribe.

"My princesses, you must be tired by now, aren't you?"

"Uncle Justin, it's you!"

"Uncle Justin, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Why haven't you visited us for such a long time?"

Surprised and delighted to see Justin, the two princesses both walked towards the man with a huge smile on their faces and their arms wide.

Upon seeing this, Austin thought, 'So they knew this man. He must be their elder.'

Justin hugged the two princesses and comforted them tenderly, completely ignoring Austin and the four maidservants.

The four maidservants, knowing their humble status, retired to the corner without saying anything.

But being ignored put Austin in a very bad mood.

'Since I'm here, I am their guest. These sea beasts are really rude! How can they treat their guests like this?' he thought, fuming silently.

... ...

"Shaw, is this the human boy Felix was talking about?"

a tall, fat man in blue with a rather rugged face asked as he stared at Austin. Soon, he started his way towards him.

Obviously, the man in blue not only treated Austin impolitely, but was even trying to provoke him.

The others already had their eyes turned to Austin.

They were filled with indifference, contempt, ridicule, and arrogance.

Justin, too, looked at Austin with a hint of superiority in his eyes.

'Damn it!

What are these sea beasts up to?' Austin thought, confused by the hostility he was receiving. Despite being offended, he decided that it would be better to say nothing. And with that, he just stared back at them with the same cold eyes.

"Sanders, don't be so rude! Felix asked me to bring him back. Don't forget that!"

Shaw said, replying to Sanders. A frowned was on prominent on his face, however.

"Ha-ha! I don't understand why Felix thinks so highly of this human boy.

What else is there to human beings aside from their arrogance and greed?

He's just a guy who was able to reach the preliminary stage of Master Realm, nothing else. An ordinary guy at best. I don't understand why Felix regards him so highly!"

said another man. He was a strangely tall, sharp-headed young man with narrow cheeks and even sharper eyes. After finishing what he said, he turned to Austin stared at him disdainfully.

"Hey! Don't say that.

Or else you'll scare the little boy!

This boy is so good-looking and so timid.

I think Felix likes him for a reason."

said a female nearby. Austin looked for the person the voice belonged to and he saw that it was from a young woman who looked extremely coquettish. After a while, she started to come towards Austin, her plump behind seductively swinging.

A gust of wind sent the woman's scent to Austin's nose.

Being stared at by such a young, sexy woman, Austin was felt extremely embarrassed. Her stare made him feel like he was being undressed in public!

"Excuse me, woman, are you interested in this boy? Ha-ha!

This boy is too weak for you. Let him go.

You'd only crush him to death! Ha-ha!"

joked a short, fat man with a round belly.

"Fuck off!

He is so much better looking than you, you stinking fish. Yeah, you do stink all over! You make me want to throw up!"

the woman replied angrily as she glared at the man who was making fun of her.

Soon enough, the sea beasts began to ridicule Austin as if he wasn't there, making the whole atmosphere very hostile.


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