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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 909

Jimmy and Kimberley felt much better after taking the elixir that Austin had generously presented as a gift. It was a precious sixth level elixir. The lucky brother and sister expressed their gratitude after taking the medicine obediently. Then they immediately sat down on the ground and directed the elixir energy through concentration to those part of the body which were severely injured. A little while later, they were able to recover from the fatal wounds and got rid of all their suffering.

When both of them seemed stable, they made a move. The three of them fled the small island and flew in the direction which Jimmy identified as the Sand Island.

Jimmy and Kimberley were young, so was Austin. Therefore, the awkwardness and silence prevailing earlier among them vanished soon after they began the second half of their journey.

They had casual conversations every now and then. The boys, Jimmy and Austin, did most of the talking while Kimberley jumped in the discussion time to time. They were on good terms with each other.

In the course of the conversation, Austin learned something more about his two new friends.

He came to know that Jimmy and Kimberley were not only siblings, but they were also members of the younger generation of the famous Jin Family in the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom. What a big surprise!

The Jin Family had held highly respectable positions in the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom for generations. It was a revered, and sometimes regarded as an intimidating old name.

This time there were rumors that the residence of a mysterious ancient master was going to emerge in the Middle World Waters. A lot of strong, rising families had taken effective measures to hunt for legendary treasures. The Jin Family was one of them. Rumor also made rounds that the elders of the Jin Family had led a group of elite disciples and were hurrying on their way to the Middle World Waters.

Jimmy and Kimberley told Austin how they were separated from the other family members several days ago and met with an accident. Before Austin made an inquiry, they confessed that they were with five other family disciples. And in fact, they were out on a mission to hunt sea beasts. Their elders had ordered them to retrieve as many beast cores as possible. But due to their pitiful looks and energy, apparently they failed in the task.

Austin didn't comment, and Jimmy continued to tell him more. Right before Austin had showed up, the small team ran into a fierce sea beast. The sea beast looked suspiciously like a beast master and the young disciples were all shocked. The seven of them tried hard to defend its attack for a while but couldn't avoid the brutal defeat shortly afterwards. Five Jin Family disciples were killed in the battle. Jimmy and Kimberley were the only ones who escaped by the skin of their teeth. Kimberley began to weep when Jimmy talked about the tragic that had struck them. Jimmy too stopped as he began to choke with emotions, like something was caught in his throat.

Austin sighed. He felt bad for Jimmy and Kimberley and those who had passed away. The two of them were lucky to have survived such a brutal attack. Yet, they were unlucky to have witnessed the horrible death of their own blood.

Jimmy and Kimberley wanted to return to the family base in the Middle World Waters.

But before they could set out on their journey, a jade slip came. The jade slip was from a prestigious family elder, who was in-charge of the entire mission.

The elder sent a message through the jade slip that the residence of the ancient master had already emerged from under the water. And the Jin Family demanded the presence of all its disciples at the Sand Island. They were going to be prepared and ready in the region until they could get inside.

Austin didn't utter a word.

As far as he knew, the Sand Island was located somewhere between the Second Outer Ring waters and the First Outer Ring waters.

As a matter of fact, not much distance was left.

They could have reached the Sand Island in almost an hour, if they could catch up with Austin's speed.

But Jimmy and Kimberley were slow. Austin had to control his impatience and temper to accompany them as they kept flying slowly. He did not want anybody to see his eagerness, not even his new friends.


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