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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 922

'That must be especially difficult for them to move while surrounded by the Heavy Gas.

But moving through it is just as easy as blinking an eye for me. After all, the Heavy Gas is nothing against my physical strength.

I did not even expect that my physical strength would help me under this situation, but it turned out to be very useful. Lucky me to have come this place and refined all those sea beasts, ' Austin marveled in his mind as he moved freely under the Heavy Gas.

His powerful physical strength enabled him to ignore the strenuous pressure of the Heavy Gas and let him run freely. Meanwhile, the other cultivators were walking extremely slowly since walking under the pressure of the Heavy Gas consumed so much of their energy that every time they took a step forward, they had to stop and gasp for air. Thus, it only made sense that when they saw Austin running past them with ease, they all found themselves dumbstruck with amazement. How could such things even happen? The only explanation could be that they were too exhausted and they were started to see things.

Most of the cultivators that Austin had run past by then were Master Realm cultivators.

But as Austin continued moving forward, he also passed by some Astral Realm cultivators.

Being stronger than those Master Realm ones, the Astral Realm cultivators were walking much faster than the Master Realm cultivators under the pressure of the Heavy Gas.

They moved at a pace that was just as fast as how they normally walked.

Some of them whose cultivation base was superior among the Astral Realm cultivators, could even walk in a brisk manner.

But none of them -- not the Master Realm nor the Astral Realm cultivators -- could move as quickly and as freely as Austin. They could neither function like they usually do as Austin did.

"What the hell? How is that even possible?

T-that little asshole! How could he do that?"

said the middle-aged man who was just teaching Austin about his experience on how to work under the Heavy Gas a few moments ago. Austin did not even wait for him to finish his lesson before he ran ahead of him. By the time he finished speaking, Austin was already ahead of him by about a thousand meters.

Looking at Austin's back as he ran ahead made the middle-aged man utterly stupefied. He felt himself quite stupid for trying to be the young man's mentor a while ago.

The middle aged man could not help but feel embarrassed when he remembered how he was instructing Austin as if he were an experienced master whom Austin had a lot to learn from. He was completely unaware then that he was somehow teaching a fish how to swim, and all he could do now was coughing to hide how red his face had become due to embarrassment.

Austin seemed to be running as fast as lightning, and the thousands of cultivators who caught a glimpse of him could not believe their eyes.

While he was running, Austin used his spiritual sense to check the situation in front of him.


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