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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 929

Austin exerted his bodily movement skill at once. The next second, he flew towards the mountains.


As Austin flashed by the mountains, he glanced at the view under him.

The mountains in this area stretched in all directions. Rolling hills were scattered as far as he could see. There were only some ancient trees covering the mountains. Austin could even see the brown earth of this arid landscape.

Time and again, brilliant lights appeared at a few of the peaks, which led the cultivators to go for there for treasures.

They exerted their bodily movement skills to scout for treasures around the mountains.

Numerous cultivators were entering the mansion of the ancient master.

Austin estimated that at least four to five thousand cultivators had succeeded in getting out of the Heavy Gas area and reached here.

They were mostly Astral Realm cultivators and the top ones among those Master Realm cultivators. The mere fact that they had reached here required a strong cultivation base.

"It's an elixir field! Oh my god! It's an elixir field! And a large one too!"

A surprised voice rang out.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In a flash, several cultivators sped towards the hill where the sound came from.

Austin followed at once. He sped up and flew in the same direction.

After a moment, he reached it, floating over the hilltop.

From where he was, he saw a flat landscape at the center of the hill. There was a huge elixir field covered with intense spiritual energy, about ten acres in area.

A soft breeze carried the fragrance of the luxuriant elixirs on the field, refreshing everyone within dozens of miles around.

"Fifth grade! Sixth grade! Holy moly! There are even ones of seventh and eighth grade!" "Wait! Is that annona fruit?" "Oh my! It's annona fruit! And not only one! There are three annona fruits and they are all ninth grade!"

"God! I will make a fortune!"

The cultivators were so excited that their voices were trembling.

After all, a seventh or eighth grade elixir alone was a rare sight in daily life, not to mention a ninth grade one. In this regard, it was not an exaggeration to say that a ninth grade elixir was worth more than a million.

Thousands of cultivators had swarmed the hill. Austin could now only see the entire hill dotted with numerous figures from where he was.

Each of them was staring at the elixir field with wide, greed-filled eyes.

Outside the mansion, no one could easily get an elixir, especially a seventh or eighth grade one, unless at a huge price.

But now, there was a large field covered with lush elixirs in front of them. Everyone could own the elixirs as long as they were able to take them.

It would be impossible for a cultivator to not want to have a try under such circumstances.

Austin's eyes also fixed on the three ninth-grade annona fruits.

They were of course worth the most in the whole field.


A voice from nowhere started a rat race.

In a flash, some of the cultivators around the hill rushed to the elixir field.

The others, meanwhile, followed up at once. In a moment, thousands of cultivators were stampeding into the elixir field, like a herd of buffalo galloping towards a target. At the same time, the sky over the field darkened because the crowd had blocked the rays of sunlight.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

All of a sudden, pillar-shaped white rays surged up around the field. The rays intertwined with each other above the field, with dazzling white light stretching in all directions.

The next second, a dome appeared and covered the whole elixir field, with no corner left for anyone to enter.

Everything happened too fast for some of the cultivators to react. The ones closest to the field failed to have a stop and slammed against the dome.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

An unknown strong force threw them back and they fell to the ground with a thud. It was like a spring had bounced them forcefully away!

The weak cultivators among them couldn't take the huge blow and passed out immediately. It was apparent that they had gotten seriously hurt.

And the others turned pale and were spitting blood.

"An array! It's an array! It is an array that protected the field from us! And its defensive energy is so powerful!" someone cried out.

When the other cultivators heard this, they stopped in their tracks at once.

"Big deal! Let's work together to destroy it. Then we can share the elixirs. What do you say?"

someone suggested.

Immediately, thousands of cultivators on the spot activated their vital energy. Their powerful vital energy force was gathering around the elixir field and then burst out, aiming at the dome.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The whole hill was shaking. The strong impact of their vital energy force on the dome produced an earthquake with a magnitude of at least ten.

The ones who had the ability to arrive here first were all supreme cultivators. Their strong cultivation base, with the help of the others, cracked the dome in the blink of an eye.


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