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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 93

The black blade was known as Negative Shadow Blade, while the red one was the Positive Shadow Blade. They were twin blades with positive and negative vital energy, which meant that they were inseparable and deeply connected.

And, these two blades were… top grade level one spiritual weapons!

Austin couldn't help but be taken aback, while he was also pleasantly surprised when he read the introduction in the manual.

Cultivators usually classified the spirit weapons into three types: low grade, medium grade, and the top grade.

All types of weapons were divided into five levels.

For a top grade level one spiritual weapon, it was so valuable that even top cultivators from the Mysterious Realm would do anything to get it!

Austin sighed deeply and thought that he wouldn't dare show this level of a spiritual weapon casually in public, even if he had succeeded in refining the Twin Shadow Blades.

There was a saying that the precious jade landed its owner in jail, even though he was innocent! Thus, if someone who was envious of his treasure had targeted him, he was afraid that he might get into trouble.

He went back to reading the secret manual carefully again and tried to understand it.

The core contents of the manual aimed to guide a cultivator on how to refine the two top grade spiritual weapons.

It also contained instructions on how to skillfully use them after their refinement.

Once refined, the two blades could be fused with a cultivator's own flesh and blood and concealed within his body.

When a cultivator fought against an enemy, he could mentally control the Twin Shadow Blades, and the blades would turn invisible and attack the opponent without being noticed.

Austin thought that the predecessors who had refined and created the Twin Shadow Blades were wise.

After several times of meditation, Austin put the secret manual back in his Space Ring, placed two blades side by side in front of him, and began to refine them according to the methods described in the secret manual.

The specially structured vital energy formulas continuously fell on the two blades as Austin constantly changed hand gestures. He was exercising his vital energy to summon the formulas.

As more and more vital energy formulas poured into the blades, they began to have some kind of reaction.

The short blades quivered, and their metal bodies made a buzzing sound that echoed in the room, as red and black light flashed alternately.

However, refining a top grade spiritual weapon was not an easy thing.

Austin ceaselessly exercised his vital energy inside his body, and it gradually decreased. The changing formulas that flew about in the room consumed a lot of his vital energy.

Since Austin's cultivation base was at the sixth level of Energy Gathering Realm, it was hard for him to refine the two top grade spiritual weapons.


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