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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 941

"Winnie, it's your turn!" yelled Austin.

His tone dripped with menace and threat as his eyes fixated on Winnie.

"Winnie, come back!"

Isis, who was at the edge of the square, panicked after seeing all of that and started shouting.

Winnie knew she could not withstand Austin's attack under such circumstance, so she made up her mind and pulled a rune paper from her Space Ring.

She used vital energy force to light up the paper, covering herself with the yellow light of the blaze.

Then, she was transferred back to the edge of the square in Isis side.

Warriors, who were present in the area, stared at them.

Austin had seen such kind of rune paper before. It was a Primary Teleportation Rune, a magic treasure that could enable teleportation.

The paper was extremely precious, and it would be impossible for average warriors to have one of those.

"Shit! She sure can run!"

Austin cursed in frustration.


Suddenly, he felt that his body had been torn apart with every inch of his flesh broken.

A deep sense of vulnerability enveloped him as he tried to resist the pain.

He was aware that his body had been hit by at least four or five hundred flashes of lightning.

Yet, even with that tremendous force, he was still alive. There were three reasons for it.

Firstly, his body was very strong and tough enough to withstand the critical hit.

Secondly, the Thunder Elixir and the beast soul of thunder unicorn absorbed most of the thunder's power.

Lastly, the Magic Sea Water healed his wound in a very short period of time.

Had it been anyone else, he or she would have been undoubtedly dead if hit by that amount of lightning.

"Wooooo!" Austin breathed out.

The respiration of his voice was evidently weak.

'Okay, this has to stop.'

Austin ceased his attack and fetched another jade bottle and once again drank a couple more drops of Magic Sea Water.

It was the origin of life, and it healed his body rapidly.

After his quick recovery, Austin gazed at the people who attacked him earlier, glaring at their faces one by one.

Then, he turned around slowly and continued to head towards the front gate of the palace.

As soon as he stopped challenging the sea of lightning above the palace, an evident change in the atmosphere could be observed.

The lightning strikes seemed to have calmed down, at least not as many as they were before.

Only dozens of them struck down.

Lightning strikes with such low frequency were quickly absorbed by Thunder Elixir and the beast soul of thunder unicorn.

Austin was bathed in bright lightning and entangled with many smaller ones.

It was as if like beams of light snaked his body.

At that moment, everyone at the square stared at Austin, who was covered in lightning as he walked slowly towards the gate.

There was a deafening silence in the square.

Everyone had mixed feeling of respect, shock, confusion, fear, and hatred.

And all of them were burning with utmost intention to kill. However, no matter what they thought, they all had to admit that Austin, a very young man, was extremely gifted and the power he had shown was beyond their imagination.

Such talent was inevitable and should never be underestimated.

...... ...... ......

Soon, Austin made it to the entrance of Thunder Palace.

He was welcomed by two heavy doors which were both partially opened.

Using his mere strength, he opened the doors slowly.

The doors creaked, breaking the silence around.

Without any hesitation, Austin walked inside.


"Prick! You can't possibly think that we are going to let you take the treasure inside all by yourself."

Barret, the Holy Son of the Thunder Sect, put some pills into his mouth.

He took a punch from Austin, and his internal organs were injured.


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