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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 979

"Sir, we came from the Grand Dragon Empire near the Triangle Zone.

We came here because our father, who has been badly hurt, needs some special elixirs to heal his wounds.

I heard that those elixirs could be found only in the Barren Mountain of the Triangle Zone. And so we came to the Triangle Zone together in order to find the elixirs there.

When we arrived at the Emerald City, we planned to find a hotel to settle down for one night, and we intended to hit the road the following day.

But we were not prepared for the bad men of the Wolf Gang. They said lewd things to my sister Debby. Thus, she lost her temper and cursed at them.

They then chased us, laughing wickedly!"

Emma related to Austin indignantly the trials she and her sister underwent.

Austin understood. It seemed that the Wolf Gang was a malicious group from the Emerald City.

The two girls were only at the medium stage of Imperial Realm, so it was likely dangerous for them to come to the Triangle Zone.

When Emma mentioned the Barren Mountain, Austin suddenly remembered something that he needed to do.

One of the precious and special materials for Angus to rebuild his body was located in the Barren Mountain!

It was known as a very dangerous place in the Triangle Zone.

However, there were also many kinds of rare elixirs that could only be found in the Barren Mountain.

In the past, many warriors had even found very precious high-level magic treasures and martial arts manuals in its depths.

Because of this, although its reputation was very notorious, many warriors were still attracted to go look for treasure in its hills and peaks.

"Oh, you want to go to the Barren Mountain!

I've heard that if you are lucky, you may chance upon some rare treasures.

I've been meaning to go there myself sometime too,"

Austin said with a smile.

"Sir, you're going there!"

Both girls grew very excited.

After today's traumatic experiences, they both understood that it was really too dangerous for them to walk by themselves in the Triangle Zone.

The two girls thought that the possible danger to their lives was no big deal. However, if they could not reach the Barren Mountain and collect the necessary elixirs, their father would certainly die.

Once they heard that Austin intended to go there as well, they both grew overjoyed at the realization that his company would safeguard them.

Just now, both of them had witnessed Austin's strength.

The small guy of the Wolf Gang was at the preliminary stage of Master Realm.

Austin had turned him into a pile of flesh and bones with just one punch.

Austin's strength was unlike anything they had ever seen!

"Sir... We have a request... Could we possibly go to the Barren Mountain together with you?"

Emma stammered, a slight flush on her cheeks.

Both of them were bashful in front of such a mighty man.

But they had to be bold and swallow their shyness and pride for the sake of their father.

"Well, as long as you don't mind, I wouldn't,"

Austin replied after a brief silence.

"Thank you, sir!"

As the sisters heard Austin's affirmation, they became ecstatically happy.

However, both of them turned pink with the embarrassment of having asked a stranger to accompany them.

They were thinking to themelves that they had been rude in being so forward.

When Austin saw their expression, he swallowed hard.

He knew that with their current cultivation base, it was dangerous for them to walk in the Triangle Zone. If they were a little careless, something bad would absolutely happen to them.

He really wanted to help them.

"All right, let's find a place to rest first. Tomorrow we'll hit the road,"

Austin suggested.


You killed the members of the Wolf Gang, so it's dangerous for you to continue staying in the Emerald City! I think we'd better leave as soon as possible!"

Emma exclaimed anxiously.

"The Wolf Gang, they seem very powerful,"

she added.


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