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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 986

"Very well. That is a wise decision. Now, you will gather your spiritual orb and hand it over to me."

Knowing that he might not know how, Austin instructed him like a true master would.

After receiving the instruction, the man clenched his teeth tight and hesitated for the one last time before accepting the subordination. Then he narrowed his eyes and handed over his spiritual orb to Austin and pledged his obedience.

The rest of the men knew that if they didn't do the same, the tragic ending of their two killed fellow brothers would become theirs. Thus, left with no choice, the rest of the Astral Realm cultivators of the Wolf Gang, one by one, handed over their spiritual orbs to Austin and became his subordinates. It was a spectacular as well as a heartbreaking scene.

The only man who waited till the last minute was Pompeo. Not once in his life had he dreamed of witnessing such a scene with his own eyes. However, he knew that the strongest became the king and Austin had proven his power. As much as he savored the feeling of being a leader, he had to hand it over to Austin and be one of his subordinates from this day on. Breathing out heavily, his eyes met Austin's. That's when he walked toward the young man and handed over his spiritual orb. It was a difficult move.

Austin looked at those men and smiled. The taste of victory was delicious indeed. He knew that if he had to kill the rest of the men he would do so since the Wolf Gang had a bad name and they tried to kill him a dozen of times. But he changed his mind. Now, whether they wished or not, the rest of the core force of Wolf Gang had pledged him as the new leader.

After all their spiritual orbs were handed over, accompanied by his new subordinates, Austin went directly to the headquarter of the Wolf Gang.

On their way towards the top of the mountain where the headquarter was situated, body parts and dead people were scattered everywhere. The blood hadn't dried completely which made the soil soft and mushy to step on. Nearly a couple of hundreds of people were killed by Austin. It was a terrible sight.

The bloody scene reminded everyone of how Austin had turned this place to a slaughterhouse and killed each of them with steady hands.

When the eleven men saw this their hearts tightened and they felt deeply hurt, yet for Austin, he didn't show even the slightest bit of sympathy. He was stone faced. He knew, fairly clearly that, more people were killed by the Wolf Gang compared to the number of people lying dead at his feet today. They didn't show their mercy while killing those innocent men and women, so why should he? Walking pass the fleshes with nothing written on his face, Austin didn't turn back his head. Not even once.

Soon, they reached the mountain top. When the rest of people from Wolf Gang ran out and tried to greet them, they found out that the homicidal maniac - Austin- had also come with them, standing right in front of the cultivators of their gang. They were astonished by the fact that Pompeo and the rest of the leader group let Austin breathe freely. They were also astonished that he was alive.

To their surprise, they seemed to catch a sense of obedience from the way Pompeo acted and talked to Austin -- full of cautiousness and discreetness. Every single soul there was wondering what had happened to their leader. Shouldn't he have kill the intruder by now?

Suddenly, the crowd that ran out to greet them became speechless and flabbergasted.

When the room fell into dead silence with questions written all over everyone's face, Pompeo stepped out the crowd and informed the rest of his gang and about the fact that Austin was the one true leader of the Wolf Gang from that moment onwards.

Austin didn't have the heart to watch them talk so he left Pompeo to talk to the other oblivious members. He then waited patiently on the seat. He let them make their peace.

A while after, when the rest of the people finally digested the news, Austin walked into the conference hall with a bunch of people following him.

Pompeo spent the next hour or so to tell Austin in with details all about the Wolf Gang and how it operated in the past and left nothing out.

It was then known by Austin that Pompeo himself was the founder of the Wolf Gang.

The gang had existed for more than thirty years now around this area.

Initially, they was the ruler within just a couple of miles. Then, they expanded their force up to thousand miles in radius. That rule was a long one.

Now, they had gained nearly a thousand and three hundred common members at their disposal. They were ready anytime at the leader's command.

But Austin killed nearly four hundred of them. He demolished literally a huge chunk of that mighty army.

That meant only nine hundred members of the troop were left for the gang. Most of them were cultivators in Mysterious Realm, Imperial Realm and Master Realm.

The men who had gotten to the Astral Realm were only fifteen and Austin had slain four of them beforehand, which left the gang with only eleven top cultivators.

That was the total number of members left after Austin's massacre.

When Pompeo was done with his report, he showed Austin the way to their treasury.

When the door of the treasury opened right in front of Austin's eyes, he was very surprised by what was unfolded.

Alongside with a small mountain of the superior vital energy crystal, there were nearly couple thousands of divine vital energy crystals. The spiritual energy was floating in the air and everyone could just smell it.

Piles and piles of elixir and pills was placing on the feet of the superior vital energy crystal mountain. Though these were not top-grade medicines, Austin was surprised with the number of it.

Then, Austin noticed that there was a giant shelf against the wall, there laid numerous spiritual weapons, sacred weapons, divine weapon and weapons of all kinds imaginable. The shelf that could hold up to thousands of weapons were nearly full.

However, Austin didn't see any of the holy weapon from the shelf. Now, he had the number of what the Wolf Gang had. It did not matter when the whole force was with him.

Thirty years of wrongdoings and bad names, the treasury marked their strength yet Austin was here, today, to claim it. How ironic was that? Such was the wheel of time.


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