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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 993

''Young hero, thank you so much...''

Wally, Tyson's father, still had not fully recovered from the shock.

He gawked at Austin for a long time barely uttering a single word.

Austin's mightiness, decisiveness and ferocity left a deep impression on him.

''I'll leave these people to you now, ''

Austin slowly cast his eyes on the members of the Lu Clan.

''If you want to kill them, I'll do it for you.''

Austin clasped his hands behind his back while his clothes fluttered with the wind. His gesture and apathetic expression made him look formidable and unpredictable.

The head of the Wolf Gang and two other Astral Realm cultivators stood beside Austin respectfully. This gave him a certain air of importance and added more gravity to his legitimacy as a leader.

On the other hand, Tyson, Gordon and Jake stationed Austin's servants and one hundred corpse demons at the main gateways of the castellan's mansion. Emma and Debby also joined them.

Nobody was allowed to come in or go out without Austin's permission.

The members of Lu Clan, including the eight elders, did not try to put up any resistance after Tom's death. They all remained seated and observed everything that was happening with keen interest.

Among them, there were some distinguished delegates from the Six Master City.

After witnessing Austin's overwhelming power, they were not willing to put their lives in unnecessary danger or get involved in the turmoil.

Austin seemed to have the upper hand and was undoubtedly dominating the fight.

Wally experienced complex feelings as he observed his relatives who had ruthlessly betrayed the Lu Clan.

All the members of the Lu Clan lowered their heads out of shame at the sight of Wally.

''Listen! Tom had no blood bond with the Lu Clan.

Have you all forgotten the rules that were put in place by our ancestor? How could he become the leader of the Lu Clan?

You all ignored everything and chose to hold the candle to the devil basically guiding him on how to destroy your own backyard.

That's ridiculous! I could never have imagined that our Lu Clan of the Six Master City could have been corrupted like this one day!

How pathetic!

Ha-ha... ...''

Wally laughed sorrowfully in a grievous tone.

Hearing Wally's words, all the members of the Lu Clan lowered their heads more deeply in guilt and shame.

''Sorry, Wally. I let you down.

But I did not mean to betray you. Tom and his son threatened me. He threatened my wife and son's lives.

I really had no other choice.

But it does not change the fact that I've betrayed the Lu Clan. I've failed the Lu Clan and you as well.

When you were our leader, you respected and protected all of us.

Tom, instead, was a tyrant. While he was in power, he abused us and treated us like dogs.

If we did something wrong or made him unhappy, he would torture us with brutal punishments.''

A middle-aged man suddenly stood up and confessed to Wally. His indignation could be seen from the expression on his face.

''He's telling the truth. Tom and his son were the demon's spawn!''

''Tom was indeed a moody tyrant...''

''Wally, I'm begging you to become our leader...''

More and more people began to reprimand and highlight the crimes that Tom and his son committed.

It seemed that Tom and his son went against the will of the people while they were ruling over the Six Master City and ran it as if it was their own personal kitchen.

Many members of the Lu Clan were forced to bow to Tom and his son.

Since Austin had killed Tom and his son, they finally had the space to express themselves and their indignation and anger were ignited.

Austin knew that the people would begin to incline towards Wally.

Wally could easily reclaim his position as the castellan of the Six Master City.

''Alas! I know we owe you a lot after all these years.

Since Tom is finally dead now, you are the only one who has the ability to become the castellan of the Six Master City.

Besides, you were once nominated by our former leader. Your ability was never in question.

So, we all hope that you can be the castellan of the Six Master City.

However, you have caused a lot of trouble for our clan this time and we are currently very weak.

Our clan is on the verge of destruction.


One of the elders finally said what was on everyone's mind.

''What do you mean?''

Wally asked him.

Austin also had his curiosity piqued.

''Tom had surrendered to the Heaven Pavilion Sect right from the beginning and became a member of it.

Tom was just the nominal castellan of the Six Master City.

The Heaven Pavilion Sect is actually manipulating the Six Master City.

Tom was just a running dog of the Heaven Pavilion Sect, ''


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