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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1003

Mango frowned her brows slightly.

"Carmel? Ned?"

She called their name. Then, she caught sight of Ned head's popping out from the corner, and he also had some food residue at his mouth.

"Ahem, Madam, are you done with the call?"

"Yeah... What are you doing over there?"

Mango looked at him speechlessly as she asked.

"Excuse me."

Ned came out from the corner and held a shortbread in his hand hidden behind him. Obviously, he had only taken a few bites of it.

"Are you hungry?"

Mango shook her head helplessly. She initially thought that something bad had happened to them.

"Where's Carmel?"

"She went to the ladies' room."

Mango immediately felt frustrated upon hearing Ned's reply.

Ned was having his food while Carmel went to the ladies?

Why did this sound like an unbelievable excuse?

"Stop eating that. Both of you follow me back to the Xiao family, and well have a meal together there."

"No... no, Madam, I won't go. There are still plenty of tasks for me to work on. Mr. Ye has arranged a lot of jobs for me that I haven't completed yet. I saw that you didn't need my help just now, so I decided to eat something quickly to fill my stomach for now."

Ned felt slightly embarrassed as he spoke.

Mango noticed that the pastry he had eating had turned cold. Thus, it was obvious that it was not a fresh pastry.

Now that Nathaniel was absent, Ned's workload had obviously been increased. Furthermore, he took over Thomas's job, and he needed to oversee all the company's affairs. This was obviously a heavy burden on him.

"You can't eat cold food all the time. If you don't go to the Xiao family's house for dinner, then let me treat you to a bowl of beef noodles at the restaurant outside here."

"It's alright. Madam, I'm good with just eating this. It saves me time and also fills my stomach at the same time. Don't worry, I can even drive without any delay."

Ned uttered honestly in reply.

After listening to his reply, Mango suddenly felt slightly uneasy and distressed for him.

"Alright, just listen to me. Let's go and get some food. Now!"

Mango grabbed Ned's hand and dragged him with her.

Ned was completely stunned by her actions. Then, he immediately shook her hand off the next second.

Oh, God!

If Mr. Ye got to know that his wife held Ned's hand, would he chop Ned's hands off?

Mango was a little surprised at what had happened.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, urn... Mr. Ye will be jealous."

Ned stuttered, and Mango burst into laughter after hearing his reply.

Ned really had such a good sense of humour!

However, Mango felt better now, thanks to his joke.

"Okay, I won't hold your hand. Hurry up! Bring me to find Carmel too."

After Mango gave this order, Ned certainly did not dare to waste any more time. Instead, he followed behind Mango like a sidekick.

However, Mango did not see Carmel anywhere.

"Where is she?"

"She went to buy you some water."

Ned had no choice but to tell her the truth.

"Madam, urn... can you please not tell Carmel that I wasn't with you just now? I don't want to let her know that I took a break and secretly ate some food behind your back!"

Ned asked this question with a terrified expression.

"Huh? Why not?"

Mango was a little puzzled, but she was amused by how Ned was stammering out of fear right now.

Ned said awkwardly, "Um... Carmel's a really strong fighter, so I can't defeat her. I only dragged her away just now, but she almost dislocated my arm! Urgh! Is she really a woman? How can she be stronger than other men?"

Mango immediately burst into laughter after hearing his explanation.

"Hmm... is that the only reason?"

"Not precisely. She asked me to protect your safety by keeping you company. But instead, I decided to ignore you and eat in a corner. If she finds out about this, she will definitely beat me up again!"

Ned complained shamelessly in frustration.

Mango smiled in reply and said, "Why can't you defeat her?"

"Oh... well, I will work harder! I'm going to increase my training so that I won't be defeated by a woman like her again!"

"Heh... are you worthy of calling yourself a man?"

Carmel had come back at that time. Upon hearing Ned's words, she couldn't help but snort at him. Then, Ned immediately hid behind Mango timidly.

Ned rarely acted like a coward, so Mango had never seen him behave this way. She couldn't help but smile and say, "Carmel, stop frightening him, or I'll have no one to protect me."

"Hah! He's such a coward, so he'll be useless anyway. You might as well fire him now."

Carmel spoke bluntly. Ned felt offended by her words that he waved his fist behind Mango, but he did not dare to fight with her.

This was so infuriating to him!

When Mango was watching them, she felt that both of them were entertaining. Then, she said with a smile, "Let's go and have some good food. It's on me."

Just as Carmel was about to refuse, she saw the determination in Mango's eyes and kept her mouth shut instead.

"Here's some water for you."

She handed over the water in her hand and escorted Mango out by standing to her left. Meanwhile, Ned only dared to follow behind them.

He had learnt that he couldn't mess around with a woman nowadays!

He muttered secretly and followed close behind them instead.

Meanwhile, Carmel ignored Ned and continued talking to Mango, "When I went to buy some water for you, I saw several suspicious men wandering around your car. So, let's take a cab back later."

Mango paused slightly after hearing her report.

Who were these people working for?

Her enemies certainly did not hesitate to seize any opportunities to set up a trap for her.


After all, she could afford to abandon her car.

"Get someone to check the car later on. Drive it back if there are no problems with it."

"Got it, Madam."

As they spoke, both Carmel and Mango had already arrived at a nearby beef restaurant.


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