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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1010

However, Mango did not think too much. She had wanted to use this opportunity to protect Sisi from Layla. Therefore, if Carmel hadn't reminded her about Newell, she would have completely forgotten about him!

Carmel quickly squatted down and picked it up before handing it to Mango.

Mango felt that this was not likely, but she couldn't rule out this possibility either.

After giving this issue some thought, she decided to call Newell.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at Kipstore Market now. What's up, Mango?"

Newell was surprised when he saw Mango calling him. Thus, he immediately thought that she was calling him because something had happened to Sisi.

However, Mango said placidly, "I have something to discuss with you. Wait for me. I'm coming over to pick you up."

"Got it."

After hanging up the call, Mango asked Carmel to drive over to Kipstore Market.

While Carmel was driving, she said speechlessly, "Urgh! I can't believe how packed your schedule is! You're always travelling everywhere. If I didn't know that you were Nathaniel's wife, I wouldn't have thought that you were Mrs. Ye! A lot of women want to become Mrs. Ye, but I think that being in this position is too troublesome."

When Mango heard Carmel's statement, she smiled faintly and didn't deny it.

After all, Carmel was telling the truth.

One had to be capable enough if they wanted to be Nathaniel's wife.

Perhaps she would have given up this position a long time ago if she wasn't in love with him. Well, what else could she do now? After all, she had fallen in love with such a talented man.

In fact, she could endure every single hardship that came her way for their love!

When Carmel didn't hear Mango responding, she realised that Mango didn't want to discuss this issue. Thus, she decided to drop this topic as well.

After they had driven for a while, the car finally stopped at Kipstore Market. Meanwhile, Newell was waiting for Mango at the entrance of the supermarket, and he was carrying bags of groceries with him.

"Get in the car quick!"

Mango did not get of the car. Instead, she opened the window and said these words to Newell.

After hearing her words, Newell was slightly taken aback, but he carried his things and got into the car immediately.

Mango took a glance at him and found that he was only carrying some ingredients. Furthermore, she knew that he could've bought these groceries on another day. Thus, it was obvious that Laney had planned to lure him away on purpose.

"Did Laney ask you to buy these things by today?"

Mango asked casually.

"Yeah, mom mentioned that she want to use them at night. What happened, Mango? Did something happen to Sisi?"

Newell asked with an anxious expression on his face.

However, Mango only waved her hand and said nothing in reply.

Meanwhile, Carmel drove the car steadily along the road.

Newell had no idea where Mango was taking him, but his intuition was telling him that something was bothering Mango due to the tense atmosphere around them.

Then, the car left the city and headed towards suburban regions.

Newell's expression darkened when he saw this, yet he still didn't utter a word.

In the meantime, Mango observed Newell from the front mirror and said nothing either.

The car drove about 20 minutes before it stopped in front of some mountains.

"Get out and follow me."

Mango got off the car and led the way.

After hearing her words, Newell hesitated for a moment before he got out of the car as well.

Meanwhile, Carmel locked the car and followed them too.

After they had walked for approximately 20 minutes, they arrived at the gate of a sanatorium.

The sanatorium was indeed built in the mountainside, and it was located in a remote location so that no one could find it easily.

Security guards were patrolling all over the place too, and all of them were equipped with guns.

Newell's heart skipped a beat upon looking at the scene.

"Mango, did I do something wrong and offend you?"

"Let's talk after we go in."

Mango said this and ignored his question.

The three of them went to a house. However, Carmel left the room before closing the door and stood guard outside instead.

Then, Mango pointed at the chair opposite her and said to Newell, "Have a seat."

Newell was having butterflies in his stomach, but he still sat down.

"Mango, did something happen?"

"Are you sure you don't know about anything?"

Mango's eyes abruptly turned cold as she shot a glance at Newell while she said this.

Newell shivered all over his body when he saw this, and he couldn't help but think about Nathaniel when he saw that Mango had a menacing aura all around her. However, he quickly answered, "I truly don't know anything, Mango. Please tell me if I did something wrong and I will change it! I'm not a smart person, though. Thank you to both you and Mr. Ye for placing your trust in me. I'll definitely treat Sisi well!"

Mango stared at Newell for two minutes after hearing these words. But, she couldn't tell anything from his gaze.

Perhaps Newell was really good at pretending to be innocent. However, Mango believed that Newell was truly innocent.

Thus, she felt a little relieved at this thought.


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