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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1061

"Mrs. Ye!"

Desmond wanted to stop Mango, but she had already squatted down to treat the patient as she was determined to do so.

"I've learned simple first-aid skills before. I'll help you to stop your wound from bleeding."

Mango communicated with the victim fluently.

On the other hand, the nun saw Mango's actions and she hurriedly thanked her.

"Thank you... but you'd better leave this place now as those people will come back soon."

At that moment, Mango was taken aback by the nun's words.

"What do you mean that they'll come back? Is this the base of those rioters?"

"It's not their base, but all these people here are the victims that they caught and they told us to treat them here..."

The nun said as she bandaged the victim.

However, Mango was a little confused.

"Hold on... why is no one here to guard these people if they are detained by them?"

"That's because the whole town is now under the terrorists' control, so these people will be shot to death even if they run out. Therefore, there is no need for the terrorists to watch over them at all... You're outsiders, aren't you? You'd better return to where you came from before they come back as this place has completely fallen under the rioters' hands."

At that instant, the nun's words caused Mango and Desmond's expressions to darken.

This place had been completely taken over by the terrorists. It was no wonder why their phone signal was cut off.

What on earth happened here?

Mango wasn't sure, but she knew that Nathaniel and Zion would definitely not be here.

However, would Wisdom be here?

Mango had no idea.

"Miss, do you know how many victims camps are there here? Have you seen a boy around five years old who is carrying a first-aid kit?"

Mango hurriedly asked.

Then, the nun shook her head and said, "There are camps for wounded victims everywhere... Many people have died and the terrorists have snatched much of the medical supplies too. It's not likely that a child would survive in this situation..."

At that moment, Mango's heart sank.

Wisdom and Bettany were the first to arrive at this place and Mango had no idea where they were trapped. Mango was really worried about their situation now as what the nun said could be true.

She was extremely anxious.

Meanwhile, Desmond pulled her arm and said, "Let's go. The sound of the gunfire outside is approaching us."

Immediately, Mango packed up her medical kit and ran out with Desmond.

However, the bullets were falling like rain outside and the mass shooting was happening right before them.

Mango and Desmond were forced to enter the church again as soon as they went out.

They spotted a jeep towing a car with rioters who were firing their guns unceasingly.

Human's life was worthless in their perspectives.

"Mrs. Ye, well exit from the back."

Desmond pulled Mango and they ran towards the back door hastily.

However, there was an extremely large vacant area behind the church and they had no place to hide at all.

Mango and Desmond felt upset at that moment, but just as they were about to return, they felt a gun aiming at their waists suddenly.

"What are you doing here?"

The person spoke fluently and her voice sounded very pleasant.

At that moment, Mango felt that she was really bold for being able to judge the other's party voice even under such a situation.

"We are doctors and we came here to look for someone."

Mango spoke hurriedly.

"Doctor? Does doctors carry gun with them?"

The person removed Mango's spear nimbly.

On the other hand, Desmond wanted to take action but Mango stopped him with a gaze.

They would be courting death now if they fought back as they were obviously at a disadvantage.

Desmond felt wronged, but he stood still helplessly.

Then, Mango said in a low voice after seeing that he had calmed down, "We have it prepared for selfdefense during special times."

"Do you know how to use it?"

Mango couldn't tell from the person's voice whether he was pleased or annoyed.

"I can barely use it, but I've learned shooting in a club for a few days before I came here."

Mango answered calmly.

"Turn around."

At that moment, Mango had no choice but to turn around as the person was threatening her with a gun.

Then, an evil-looking man came into her sight.

He was wearing a soldier's uniform with paint on his face, so it was hard for Mango to see his face clearly. Nevertheless, the man undoubtedly exuded a wicked vibe.

This person was extremely dangerous!

Mango assessed the man in her heart and she decided to act calmly.

"Wow, what a beauty..."

The man whistled and his reaction made Desmond's eyes became menacing at that instant.

"What's the matter? Are you thinking of attacking me?"

Then, the man directly pointed his gun at Desmond.

"Don't do anything to him!"

Immediately, Mango stood in front of Desmond to

protect him.

"Oh, you're so protective of him... Is he your man?" "It's none of your business."

Mango's stubborn appearance made the other party slightly stunned before he smiled evilly.

"Interesting... You aren't afraid of me and you even dare to talk to me like this. Well, I don't believe that you are just a doctor... Come with me."

Then, Mango and Desmond were brought out of the church as the man threatened them with his gun.

The mass shooting was still going on outside.

However, the man owned his own military vehicle.

He let Mango and Desmond get in the car before he stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Along their way, the terrorists made way for the man when they saw him.

It was obvious that this man had a say here and perhaps he was one of the leaders.

Mango evaluated the person deep down before she said to Desmond in a different language, "Don't act rashly later as this man seems to have a high status. For now, we have to keep ourselves alive..."

"But if they hurt you, I won't let them go even if I have to risk my life."

Desmond said it in a vicious manner.

Suddenly, the man smiled and said, "What if I want her regardless? What can you do?"

The man answered them fluently.

At that moment, Mango and Desmond were stunned.

"You can speak our language?"

"I didn't say that I can't, did I?"


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