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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1075

Mango looked at Nathaniel's smiling face and she became infatuated with him.

Nathaniel reached out his finger and touched the tip of her nose when he saw Mango looking at him like this.


Mango frowned slightly and was a little angry.

However, Nathaniel fell even deeply in love with her.

"Are you able to guess it?"

"No, but you promised that you would take me to the ocean."

Mango said with a smile.

Well, didn't she want a romantic outing?

They would be able to spend time with only each other on the ocean, wasn't it?

Nathaniel smiled faintly, but he didn't say whether her answer was right or wrong. He just told the servants to pack up their stuff before taking Mango to the helicopter.

Mango was stunned when she saw that there was no one on the helicopter.

"Where's the pilot?"

Then, Nathaniel said with a smile, "From today on, I will be your pilot."

"You? Can you do it?"

Mango was shocked.

However, Nathaniel frowned when Mango doubted him.

"Hey, don't doubt whether your man can do something."


Mango's face turned a little red at that instant, but she asked again so that she wouldn't offend Nathaniel, "You know how to do it?"

"Yes! Let's go, dear."

Nathaniel invited Mango onto the helicopter very gentlemanly.

Mango was a little hesitant, but she took in a deep breath when she saw Nathaniel's confident expression and said, "Fine, it's also a blessing to be able to die at the same place as you."

Then, the corners of Nathaniel's mouth twitched.

Did his wife really have so little faith in him?

Meanwhile, Mango quickly fastened her seatbelt after sitting in the passenger seat.

She asked another question when Nathaniel got into the helicopter.

"Honey, are you sure?"

Then, Nathaniel glanced at her with a meaningful look. Mango immediately smiled foolishly when she saw this and she didn't dare to say another word.

When Nathaniel started the plane, Mango held onto the handle tightly as her heart started thumping quickly.

That was really nerve-wrecking!

Her husband flew a helicopter for her to enjoy the scenery. Other women would surely envy her if she bragged this on social media.

At the thought of this, Mango took out her phone immediately and took a photo of Nathaniel's side profile while he was flying the helicopter. She then wrote on Twitter, "Wow, my husband looks really handsome when he's flying the helicopter!"

As soon as she posted the tweet, many people responded in an instant.

Mango didn't care about their comments and she sent the pictures to her friends via WhatsApp.

Emberly was the first to reply.

"Hey, where's your conscience for showing off your love? Are you out of your mind?"

Then, Genevieve replied too.

"Come on, my husband can fly a helicopter too, but he's just too lazy to do it."

On the other hand, Esther liked her message without saying a word, but she sent them a video on Whatsapp the next second.

It was a video of Morgan flying a plane.

Immediately, Emberly smiled and replied to Mango, "How about this? He's better, isn't he? Just look at Morgan's skills."

Then, Mango snorted coldly and replied, "Well, can Eugene skills beat Nathaniel's skills? Why not show us his ability?"

Suddenly, Emberly felt a little depressed.

She looked at Eugene and kicked him although he was holding his phone and having a video conference.


Eugene asked hurriedly after his wife kicked him as he thought that something went wrong.

Then, Emberly asked blandly, "Can you fly a helicopter?"

"Are you crazy? Why should I learn how to fly a helicopter when I've already raised four pilots? It's too risky... Do you want to be a widow?"

However, Eugene's words made Emberly's mouth twitch.

"I don't care if I'll be a widow. You must go and learn how to fly a helicopter tomorrow."

Emberly went straight to the point.

At that moment, Eugene was speechless.

"Why should I learn to fly a plane?"

"Just do as I say."

Emberly could not stand Eugene anymore.

Meanwhile, Mango didn't know that Eugene had to start his miserable life of learning to be a pilot because of her picture for show off.

She was chatting with Genevieve when Nathaniel was flying the helicopter. It was now five thousand meters above the ground.

Mango looked at the clouds outside and she suddenly realized that it felt different when her husband was the one flying the helicopter.

She turned her head and looked at Nathaniel. At that instant, she felt that he seemed increasingly handsome and flawless throughout.

"You're literally drooling... Get a tissue."

Nathaniel said with a smile while looking steadily forward.

Mango quickly stretched out her hand to wipe her mouth. However, it was only when she realized that she wasn't drooling that she found that Nathaniel had tricked her.


She let out a coquettish growl.

Then, Nathaniel burst out laughing.

His wife was really innocent and lovely.

At that moment, Mango was attracted by his faint smile.

She held her chin and tilted her head while looking at Nathaniel's side profile like a maniac. Then, she sighed and said, "Nathaniel, how are you so handsome?"

Nathaniel was overjoyed at that instant.

"Thank you for your compliment."

"I'm sure that Zion won't need to worry about finding a girlfriend in the future. Many women will pounce on him since he inherited your appearance."

However, Mango was suddenly a little worried.

Nathaniel saw that her tone changed all of a sudden, so he frowned and said, "Zion is still young, why are you worrying so much?"

"So what if he's young? Zion is my son and I should definitely be worried about him.

Then, Nathaniel stopped talking.

How could a four-year-old kid find a girlfriend?

However, he didn't dare to say these words to



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