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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1117

"I'll tell you later."

Walter did not satisfy Deborah's vanity, but instead he called our her name, "Debbie."


"You look pretty."

Walter suddenly turned back and smiled brightly.

Deborah was instantly mesmerized by Walter's sugar coated words and his beaming smile.


Before she could finish her sentence, she felt a pain at the back of her neck and lost consciousness.

A faint smile still lingered on the corners of Deborah's lips.

Walter's expression was brooding, but he still took Deborah into the car. Then, he started the car again and sent her to a safer place. He arranged his subordinates to take care of her, and then drove back to the slum.

However, Walter's expression was broody now.

He entered the slum according to the address given by Charlotte.

It was almost the new year, but this place was looking depressed and unenergetic. What's more, it felt like there was a ruthless killer lurking in the darkness.

Walter's face remained terrible as he was walking towards Charlotte's place.

Finally, he arrived at her house.

This was probably one of the better houses in the slum.

Walter knocked on the door, and the voice of Charlotte came from inside.

"Come in."

When Walter pushed the door open and entered, a strong smell of medicine filled the whole room.

It was not an exaggeration to say that this place had only the four walls. It was a tiny house to live in.

Charlotte was feeding a middle-aged woman her medicine.

The middle- aged woman seemed to be paralyzed.

"Ah! You're here? Take a seat and I'll attend to you later."

Charlotte blushed when she saw Walter. However, she felt ashamed of herself as there was no place for Walter to sit down.

"Sorry, I..."

"Who is she?"

Walter glanced at the middle- aged woman. Obviously, the woman had not had much energy. After taking the medicine, she laid down with the help from Charlotte.

Charlotte pulled the quilt over her and then turned to look at Walter.

Walter was handsome. Charlotte could feel her heart beating faster and it was as if there were butterflies in her stomach.

Deborah had been telling him that Charlotte was interested in him, but Walter never cared. After all, there were many women who were interested in him. He thought that Charlotte did this to repay his kindness, but now he did not think so.

If he had not been here, he might have been kind to Charlotte. However, Walter did not want to beat around the bush since he was here.

"Where is my mother?"

Charlotte was taken aback by his question.

"What did you say?"

"Stop pretending. I don't care why you've become her lackey. I'll give you two choices. One, tell me what the poison in Mango is, and how can we cure it. I'll definitely keep you safe. Two, tell me where my mother is and I'll let you go."

Charlotte was not used to Walter's cold attitude.

How could he speak to her like this?

He used to be so generous and talk to her in his soft voice. Why did he change now?

Was it because of Deborah?


It must be because of her!

Charlotte narrowed her eyes as a hint of hatred flashed across them. "I really don't know what you're talking about," she said in grievance.

"Woah! You still want to pretend in front of me, huh? My mother bought the whole slum area and only few people know about it. If you don't live here, I may not doubt that you're on her side, but it just happened that you're here. Not only that, but you also know Mango's car plate number and my every move. So, I don't believe that a poor university student like you can find it out. What's more, there were surveillance cameras opposite the photocopy shop where you handed Andrea something. You haven't thought about it, right? The picture on the surveillance was so clear and don't tell me that's your twin sister."

It was clearly impossible for Charlotte to play dumb anymore since Walter had spilled everything out.

"Did you investigate me? You never believed me? Or did you already know my identity when you supported me?"

Charlotte's eyes were watery and she looked pitiful.

However, Walter was not in the mood for this.

He said coldly, "I just think that you need that money when I chose to sponsor you, but I didn't expect that it would turn out to be like this today. Plus, I don't know your identity and I just happen to know this slum. Now that I answered all your questions so can you answer mine?"

Charlotte's heart ached upon hearing his words.

Was this the consequence of falling in love with someone she shouldn't?


She could not resign herself to this.

Charlotte looked at Walter and remembered that he used to be so gentle to her...

Although it was just a few words from him, she was deeply stuck in it and could no longer extricate herself from the pain. In order to be with Walter, she would rather be Sophia's lackey. What was more, she kept completing the tasks that Sophia gave her to know his preferences. Plus, no matter which rich businessmen she had to seduce, in fact, she gave Sophia all the money and did not want a single cent from her.

Her mother was disabled and needed immediate medical treatment. She would rather work a few times a day than to take money from Sophia. It was because she wanted to get Walter's information and movements from Sophia.

However, she had done so much. In the end, Walter and Deborah had gotten married.

How could she accept this now?

Charlotte clenched her fist. She bit her lower lip and said slowly, "If you want to know what the poison is, I can tell you, but I have terms."

"Say it."

Walter's voice was extremely cold.

Charlotte held back her pain and looked up at Walter. Suddenly, she gathered up her courage and said, "I want you to divorce Deborah Grey and be with me. Then, I'll tell you what had poisoned Mango."

"Do you want to die?"


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