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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1121

"F*ck! What's this?"

Emberly almost threw up.

It was so disgusting.

Nathaniel's face darkened.

Wisdom did not dare to relax at all. Then, he said to Desmond beside him, "Uncle Blu, can you hold on for a bit longer?"

"No problem."

Desmond's face turned pale as he was disgusted by the squirming vermin.

Black magic had always existed in rumors and legends. However, they were seeing it with their own eyes now and it made everyone shudder in fear.

The moment they thought about what were living and drinking the blood in Mango's body, they were horrified.

Mango was still vomiting mouthfuls of black blood intensely.

Nathaniel's heart ached at this scene, but he did not want to leave her side.

After spitting out more than ten mouthfuls of black blood, Mango stopped vomiting. The color of the blood on her wrist also became normal.

Wisdom quickly grabbed Mango's wrist and said to Desmond, "Uncle Blu, enough, stop now."

Desmond quickly stopped the bleeding.

At the same time, Wisdom said to Nathaniel, who was also next to him, "Daddy, set the fire now. Zion, cover the basin."


Zion and Nathaniel followed Zion's order in unison. At the same time Nathaniel ignited the flames, Zion grabbed the lid and covered the porcelain basin.

A sizzling sound came from inside. It was like the sound of roasting meat, but it made everyone's heart feel heavy.

Emberly quickly grabbed the first aid kit and stopped Mango from bleeding.

Wisdom was drenched with sweat.

It was the first time he had done anything like this, and it was also his first time he had seen the black magic and its poisonous vermin. Honestly, he was truly terrified just now. If the person lying in front of him was not Mango, he probably would not have made this move.

About ten minutes later, the noise in the basin


Wisdom grabbed a bottle of vinegar and gestured Zion to open it. The moment the bottle was opened, Wisdom poured the vinegar in.

With a sizzling sound, white smoke oozed out from it.

Everyone looked inside and found that there was only ashes left in the basin.

Wisdom did not dare to neglect and said to Nathaniel, "Daddy, this type of vermin can be grouped into parent and child vermin. If it is a child vermin in mommy's body, then there must be a parent vermin in the person who had put the vermin in her body. When the child vermin dies, the parent vermin will suffer. It's best to find the person who put the vermin and completely remove it."

Hearing Wisdom's words, Nathaniel and Zion suddenly thought of Andrea.

Andrea was as mad as a March hare.

Did she really sacrifice her own life to kill Mango?

Zion saw the look in Nathaniel's eyes, so he nodded and walked out.

Mango was now extremely quiet. She was also asleep, but her face looked sick and pale.

She had spat out so much blood just now, and

Nathaniel did not know if there was still any remaining vermin in her body. Then, Noah suggested to give her a drip. It was better than nothing.

Nathaniel agreed.

After this incident, Wisdom was a little exhausted.

Nathaniel wanted him to go down and rest. He said that he wanted to follow Zion to see the parent vermin, and Nathaniel agreed.

Desmond lost a lot of blood too so Nathaniel asked someone to help him out and take a rest.

After everyone had left, Nathaniel guarded Mango alone. His heart was in turmoil as he thought about what had happened not too long ago. He really felt fearful.

Without Wisdom and Hikasa Manual, no one would have known the outcome of Mango.

Would she be eaten by those worms?

As Andrea said, Mango would die of organ failure. In fact, it was not organ failure, but all the organs would be eaten by the vermin.

Thinking of such a terrible result, Nathaniel shivered with fear.

Wisdom followed Zion to the basement.

Andrea's entire body was covered in blood due to the dismembering. Nathaniel also ordered his subordinate to use good medicine to keep her alive. She was suffering every day and constantly scolded and cursed Mango and her family.

When Zion came in, he happened to see someone dismembering Andrea. He sneered, "Hah! Continue cursing us, please. I'm afraid you won't have any more chance to do it."

"Kill me! I won't spare you even if I become a ghost!"

Andrea suddenly felt a pain in the chest while she was speaking. She spat out a mouthful of black blood. The color and taste were almost the same as Mango's.

Wisdom quickly went forward to deal with the black blood that Andrea spat out.

He held a bottle of sulfuric acid in his hand and poured it onto the black blood, then white smoke came out of it. The white worm inside the blood instantly turned into ashes.

He did not dare to use sulfuric acid in front of Mango, for fear that it would accidentally hut her. However, he did not care if the person was Andrea.

Andrea looked at the black blood that she spat out as if something was tugging at her heart. She was in so much pain that her whole body quivered.

"Wh... what's going on? You actually poisoned me? Zion, are you still a kid? Huh? You're such a devil!"

Andrea thought that Zion poisoned her and yelled.

Zion said coldly, "I won't do such an evil thing. Don't you know that after you planted a vermin in Mango's body, you've also been planted with one? As long as the vermin in my mom's body is removed, you'll suffer from the backlash. Even if it hasn't been removed, you'll die with her too. Whether it's Bernard or Sophia, they have no intention of letting you live!"

Andrea was completely dumbfounded.

"What are you talking about? Nonsense!"

She was deranged.


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