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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1167

In the end, Walter and Deborah had to open the locks all night long. It was already dawn when they were done with the last of those locks.

Meanwhile, Walter felt that that night was too torturing! He could only watch as his beloved wife walked around him, and the fragrance of her body stimulated him as well. He was exhilarated, but there was nothing he could do about it. That was the worst feeling ever!

Meanwhile, it was midnight when Nathaniel picked Mango up from the bed.

Mango was still sleepy, so she did not want to open her eyes. She simply wrapped her arm around his neck and asked in confusion, "Where are you bringing me?"

"Hush, just keep sleeping. I won't hurt you."

Nathaniel said affectionately as he smiled.

Mango agreed when she heard his words. So, she let him hold her and fell asleep again.

Nathaniel carried Mango out of the bedroom in his arms. After that, he found a coat and draped it over her shoulder before leaving the house with her quietly.

Meanwhile, Ned was waiting for them outside. When he saw them coming, he quickly went forward and opened the car door.

"Mr. Ye, everything is in place."

"Let's go then."

Nathaniel nodded in reply.

After hearing that, Ned started the engine.

On the other hand, Walter jolted awake when he heard the sound of engine.

"Who is heading out so late at night?"

Meanwhile, Deborah was a little depressed as she had to open all the locks, so she said crazily, "Who cares? Our mission today is to open the locks! Urgh!"

She was going nuts right now!

This was supposed to be her wedding night. How did she end up becoming a locksmith?

Therefore, Walter helped her as well as he scolded Nathaniel secretly.

Suddenly, Nathaniel felt an itch in his ears. He knew that Walter and his wife were cursing him, but he did not care. After all, they were the ones that had bullied his wife during his absence!

Ned drove the call all the way to the airport. A private plane was already on standby there.

After that, Ned parked the car and opened the door. Then, he whispered to Nathaniel, "Mr. Ye, do you really not want us to tag along?"

"There's no need for that. Take good care of the house, and try your best to stop the infiltration of Bernard's men."

Nathaniel looked a little solemn as he gave out his orders.

"Yes, sir. When will you be back?"

"At twelve midnight."

After saying that, Nathaniel got out of the car with Mango in his arms before he boarded the plane.

The plane flew for a few hours before it finally arrived at Creekside Cottage.

It was almost daybreak as well.

Hence, Nathaniel carried Mango into the room carefully.

When Mango woke up, she heard the sound of waves crashing along the shore.

Therefore, she was a little baffled. After she opened her eyes, she saw the room that was vaguely familiar to her, yet it seemed unfamiliar at the same time. Hence, she was confused as to where she was right now.

After that, Mango lifted her blanket and got up. The sound of the waves bombarded her ears, so she couldn't help but open the window.

A refreshing sea breeze blew from the vast ocean into her face, and she felt relaxed and comfortable.

Was this Creekside Cottage?

She couldn't help be reminded of the small island that Nathaniel had given her as a gift.

Wait! Were they actually here?

At this thought, Mango couldn't help but feel cheerful.

Then only did she realize that Nathaniel was not in the room.

Where did he go off to so early in the morning?

Then, Mango put on her shoes and walked out of the door.

However, she froze as soon as she went outside.

Splendid decorations were everywhere outside the room. There were fresh flowers arranged into flower baskets, and there were also flowers all along the arch as well.

After that, Nathaniel came inside wearing a white tuxedo.

He held a bunch of roses in his hand as he looked affectionately at Mango. He said, "My dear Mango, it's our wedding today. It's a wedding that belongs to only the two of us, so are you sure you want to stare at me like this? The priest will be here soon."

When Mango saw this, she started tearing up immediately.

Was this a wedding that was only for the both of them?

She had always thought Nathaniel would choose to hold a grand event to celebrate their wedding, just like what Walter had done. She even worried about it for a long time. What if their wedding attracted Bernard's attention, and they couldn't carry it out smoothly? Now when she heard Nathaniel said that this was a wedding for both of them, she understood what was going on immediately.

This was Nathaniel's wedding gift for her!

There were no guests and no outsiders. It was just the two of them and the priest.

This was a simple yet meaningful wedding. Most importantly, there was no one here to disturb them, so they were free to do anything they wanted.

Mango smiled as tears sparkled in her eyes.

"Silly girl, it's a happy occasion today. Why are you crying? Don't you like this?"

"No! I love it!"

Mango ran straight into his arms as she


He smelled of the sea breeze. There was even a trace of coldness on his body, but Mango felt touched and warm somehow.

This man was so considerate towards her. So, what else could she ask for?

"Where is my gown?"

"It's in the cupboard."

Nathaniel led Mango into the bedroom after saying this.

Mango opened the cabinet, and she saw a pretty wedding dress. It looked like a mermaid dress, but the designer had made some improvisations on it. There were also some sparkling diamonds on the dress, and Mango loved it very much.

"When did you prepare this?"

"I already prepared it a long time ago. Also, I made the dress myself."

Mango was slightly stunned to hear what he had said.

"You made this? Wait, do you know how to make wedding dresses?"

"Well, I learned it by myself. I will learn anything for you."

As Nathaniel said this, he hugged Mango from behind. At this moment, their hearts were at peace.

Mango was really touched after hearing this. Then, she put on the wedding dress with Nathaniel's help.

The wedding dress hugged her curves very well indeed.

Therefore, Nathaniel couldn't help but stare at her passionately.


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