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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1173

"Terrance, you're hiding something from me!"

Mango said this firmly without questioning him. However, her face was a little downcast, and a trace of pain flashed across her eyes.

Suddenly, Terrance knew that Nathaniel and Mango had prepared themselves before entering his house. After all, they had probably known that something was up.

Then, he sighed, "Mango, there are some things that I don't want you to know."

"But... I'm already involved in this!"

"Then, you should drop this issue. I'm willing to give up anything so that you won't be involved in this mess! You should spend the rest of your life happily with the people you love, and the Hans family and the Xiao family will take care of these troubles. Be obedient and pretend that nothing happened, alright? Just live a good life with Nathan and your kids."

Nathaniel sighed when he heard Terrance's words.

"Terrance, I know that you have Mango to have an ideal life. But, do you think that Mango can pull herself out of this abyss? She never wanted to get involved in these troubles when she married me! Has she ever messed with someone else? We can't solve this problem by avoiding this! Terrance, she has a right to know the truth. Once she does, we can at least prepare ourselves against any danger. After all, if she is still clueless, other people will end up using her! What do you think?"

Nathaniel's words were reasonable, but Terrance did not waver this time.

He looked at Nathaniel and Mango before he closed his eyes. Suddenly, he looked exhausted right now.

"Stop talking now, alright? I'm tired. If you want to stay, ask the butler to prepare a room for you. If you want to go back, leave as soon as possible."

"What? Terrance!"

Mango never expected Terrance to act this indifferently.

However, Nathaniel stopped her.

This was because when Nathaniel looked at Terrance, the latter had a determined and stubborn expression on his face even though he looked tired.

After all, Terrance really did not intend to tell them anything.

"We'll stay here tonight then."

"All right."

After that, Terrance nodded and ordered the butler to clean up the room. Then, he said wearily, "I'm tired. I'll go back to my room and rest. Both of you can make yourselves comfortable, alright?"


Mango still wanted to say something, but Terrance waved his hand to stop her from talking. Then, he pushed the wheelchair and entered his room.

At this moment, various thoughts were running through Nathaniel's mind.

What was the secret Terrance was hiding? Why was he so determined to not tell Mango the truth?

On the other hand, Mango became anxious.

"Nathan, are you going to just stand by and watch him ignore us?"

"Well, if he doesn't want to tell you about it, you'll never find out the truth from him! You have to know that he used to be a soldier and received special training. So, he's quite tight-lipped."

Mango became more depressed after hearing what Nathaniel had said.

"Why did Magnolia want to see Terrance? Also, what did they talk about? Urgh! Why is Terrance acting like this?"

A series of questions ran through in Mango's


"I don't know, but I think that it had something to do with the Hans family. Otherwise, he wouldn't act like this! Perhaps this issue involves you as well. After all, I can tell that Terrance is really worried about you."

Obviously, Mango could see this as well!

Therefore, she felt anxious and upset because she could tell how worried Terrance was.

She wanted to share some of the burdens that the Hans family had, but now she was like a headless chicken. Hence, she did not know what she should do.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel sensed her anxiety, so he gently took her into his arms and whispered, "Don't worry, we'll find out the truth as long as we keep searching."

"But, I'm worried about him!"

"Terrance is also worried about you. Let's go to the room and rest first."

Nathaniel said as he knew that it was useless to stay in the living room.

After that, Mango sighed and made a phone call to Brantley to tell him that she would spend the night at the Hans family's house. This way, Brantley and the children would not worry about her.

After entering the bedroom, Mango looked at the same furnishings as before. There was not even a speck of dust in the room. Thus, she knew that the Hans family had been cleaning her room.

The Hans family was her father's family. She always felt that she belonged here, but today, she felt gloomy.

"Nathan, how are our aunt and the Hans family related?"

"I don't know."

Nathaniel answered as he really did not know.

If Magnolia had a good relationship with the Hans family, why did she come to ask for help this late?

However, why else would she come to the Hans family other than to ask for help?

Also, what identity did Magnolia use to come forward to the Hans family?

Was she using her own identity, or was she pretending to be Queena?

At this thought, Nathaniel suddenly became alert.

"Mango, Magnolia and your mother have quite similar appearances. So, which identity do you think she will use to look for Terrance?"

Mango paused for a moment, as if she had finally figured this out.

"Wait, are you trying to tell me that she came to talk to Terrance by using my mother's identity? This can't be! My mother has passed away, and he knows about it too. If she wants to use Queena's identity, she has to explain why she's alive, right? After all, my mother and my father's body exploded together, didn't they?"

Nathaniel's brows furrowed when he heard what Mango had said.

"Even if Magnolia used my mother's identity and cheated him with a perfect excuse, how could he not let me know? It makes no sense."

Nathaniel fell silent once more upon hearing Mango's guess.

After all, Mango was right.


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