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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1175


Nathaniel's immediately thought about Mango when he heard the noise.

He ran out quickly and saw Mango standing at the door of the painting room with a pale face. Apparently, she heard the conversation between them. Meanwhile, there was a broken teacup near her feet.

"Don't move. Let me clean it up."

Nathaniel was a little worried, so he called out to her immediately. He then picked Mango up and put her onto the sofa in the living room.

Mango was still stunned.

The news was too shocking to hear!

She felt a little thirsty just now. After getting up, she did not see Nathaniel, so she came down. Then, she saw that the lights in the painting room were on, but she did not expect to hear such a piece of appalling news.

Who was Barack Hans?

She had never heard or even seen this person before.

She had always felt that she was still lacking some information, but now, she found out that Barack was the last missing piece to the puzzle!

Mango's father was the eldest child. Then, Mateo was the third child, and Terrance was the youngest child. So, how could they forget about Barack?

She had always thought that the Hans family was a family of martyrs. In the past, rumours said that the Hans family's second child had died on the battlefield. After all, Terrance had retired because he broke his leg while fighting in the far, so she thought that Barack had died the same way her father did. Now, she realized that out of all the children in the Hans family, Dennis was the only one that had become a soldier.

Therefore, Mango felt terrible upon realizing the truth.

She didn't feel upset because Barack was still alive. However, she felt regretful because Dennis was the only one among the Hans family's sons who had sacrificed himself for the country. Right now, she felt even worse after hearing about their past relationships as well.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel was afraid that the broken glass would hurt Mango. After he carried her onto the sofa, he said in a gentle voice, "Please sit for a while, and I'll clean up the broken teacup. Don't think too much about it, alright? We can't change anything that happened in the past. Besides, we're their children, so we should be glad that we know the truth. Also, we shouldn't judge them. I know you feel sad for Dennis, but now I'm concerned about you. Do you understand?"

When Mango heard this, she looked at Nathaniel, who was extremely worried about her. Suddenly, she was moved, and her uneasiness slowly turned into warmth. Then, she nodded her head.

Nathaniel saw that she looked better, so he got up and went to find a broom to clean up the shards.

At this time, all the servants were already asleep. Furthermore, there was no need to wake them up just to clean a broken cup.

When Terrance saw that Mango had heard them, he sighed. He then pushed the wheelchair out of the painting room.

"Mango, I didn't want you to know about these things."

"But, I still have the right to know, Terrance!"

Mango looked at Terrance and exclaimed.

She could feel how upset Terrance was, but what else was he still hiding from her?

Nathaniel had questioned Terrance sharply just now, but the latter had evaded most of his questions. Therefore, it seemed that Terrance was still hiding some things from her.

After all, he had hidden the fact that Barack was still alive.

Furthermore, Barack was in Angolla!

Mango was stunned when she had heard this piece of critical information.

Furthermore, Nathaniel had mentioned something important. He had said, "Barack is quite powerful in Angolla now, isn't he?"

Why was Barack so powerful right now?

What kind of position did he have?

Was he the king?

Mango's body shuddered upon thinking of this possibility.

Could this really be this case?

Was Lebanon Barack's child?

Suddenly, Mango was petrified by her speculation as she felt that this was possible.

Meanwhile, Terrance looked at Mango's flickering face, and he fell silent.

Of course, Mango had the right to know the truth, but there were some things that he did not want to tell her.

Soon, Nathaniel came back after cleaning up the shards of the teacup.

When he saw that Mango was scantily-clad, he immediately went upstairs and brought a jacket before putting it on Mango.

After that, Nathaniel glanced at Terrance and said indifferently, "Terrance, what else do you want to tell us tonight? The weather is too cold. After all, you know that Mango has a weak body, so she can't stand the cold."

Nathaniel sounded he was nagging Terrance right now.

Suddenly, Terrance glanced at Mango. He knew that Mango really wanted to know the truth, but he could not say it.

"If you aren't feeling well, go back to your room and take a rest. I missed Barack a lot tonight, so I came here to have a look. I also know what you want to know the truth, but I've told you what I can, and I really can't tell you the rest. Leave now, alright? Goodnight."

After saying that, Terrance pushed his wheelchair and left.


Mango called out as she wanted to ask more, but Nathaniel stopped her.

"Nah, you shouldn't bother asking him. After all, he won't tell us anything because he doesn't want to do so. Besides, weren't you asleep just now? Why did you suddenly come down? Your hand is so cold, so let me carry you up."

After Nathaniel had finished speaking, h3 carried Mango upstairs.

Once they had returned to the bedroom, Mango was still feeling downcast.

"I always thought that my father had left my mom to serve in the military because grandpa had sacrificed himself the same way. I also complained about him being too cruel to my mother as he chose the country over her! But, he's also my father, so what else can I say now that he's gone? In the end, my mother chose to die with him in a fire. Even if he was a dead body, my mother still wanted to be with him. So I didn't hate him anymore. However, after listening to Terrance's confession, I never expected that I would learn that they had so many relationship problems!"

Mango exclaimed as she was depressed.


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