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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1184

When Terrance saw that Mango had a thoughtful expression on her face, he was also a little troubled. If he had known that this matter had something to do with the people from the past, he would have asked Madam Hans about this. Besides, if he had done that, they would have an advantage over their enemies right now!"

"Well, don't think about it and leave these to me. You can go out to have fun with Nathaniel and your children."

"Sure thing!"

A thought flashed past Mango's mind, but she did not manage to understand it fully. However, Mango stopped thinking about it now and quickly nodded when she heard Terrance's words.

At this moment, Nathaniel walked out from the room.

Then, Mango looked at him and smiled gently.

"Is Rita sleeping soundly already?"

"Well, I'm afraid she hasn't been sleeping so well for quite a long time."

There was a trace of distress on Nathaniel's face.

What kind of situation was the Eaves family in


Although Rita was a glutton, she was still cautious in the Eaves Family. Therefore, it was normal that she could not sleep well there. However, Rita was so stubborn because she insisted on staying there to accompany Bjorn and the others. Nathaniel was distressed about this, but he could not blame her.

Thus, when Rita had returned to her parents' side, she could naturally be at ease, so she slept like a log. Well, perhaps she would only wake up y tomorrow!

When Nathaniel thought about this, he hesitated a bit.

Mango was stunned when she heard Nathaniel's words. Then, she felt sorry for Rita.

"Nathan, why don't we stay here today?"

Nathaniel definitely understood what Mango was trying to say.

That was because both of them loved their daughter so much. Thus, they could not bear to rush around when Rita was still very tired. Besides, they did not know the reason why someone had been following them just now. Therefore, it was not a good idea to go out with at this time.

"Alright. Terrance, can we stay for the night?"

"What are you talking about? This is your home, so you can do whatever you want here. I know you guys are tired, so go to bed earlier."

Meanwhile, Terrance knew that they needed to talk to each other, so he did not want to annoy them. After that, he pushed his wheelchair and left in a hurry.

Then, Mango and Nathaniel returned to their room. When they saw Rita sleeping soundly on the bed, Mango's heart ached again.

"She's a glutton, and she's always been so carefree! So, I didn't expect her to care so much about Bjorn and Lonnie this time. Alas! I'm her mother, but I don't even understand her."

Mango smiled bitterly as she spoke softly.

Then, Nathaniel gently grabbed her by her shoulder and said softly, "Rita has never been a foodie. She knows that her parents and her brothers can protect her, so there's no need for her to worry about anything. Thus, she decided to be a happy glutton! However, she also knows that she's my daughter, so she wanted to help out. Thus, this time, Rita took the initiative to take care of the Eaves family. After all, she knows the relationship between the Ye Family and the Eaves family."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Mango was slightly startled to hear Nathaniel's explanation.

When Nathaniel saw that Mango looked surprised, he smiled and said, "Do you think it's unbelievable? After all, Rita is a child, but she understands the situation more than we adults. Did you think that I'm overthinking this too much?"

Although Mango did not admit it, she was obviously thinking about this. Hence, when she heard Nathaniel's words, she could not help but smile embarrassedly.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel did not care much about this. After that, he patted her hair and smiled, "The four most influential men of Ocean City have a strong bond. After all, we took over Ocean City and took control of all the finances and authorities here. Thus,this isn’t something that the ancient families here can accept. Now that someone has messed up our relationship and wants to take this opportunity to take over our position, do you think the ancient families can stay out of this?"

Mango narrowed her eyes suddenly when did she heard this.

"Do you mean that someone else other than Bernard is involved in this?

"No matter how capable Bernard is, he can’t suppress all four of the most influential men of Ocean City on his own. Well, this is merely a fight to gain more power."

Anyhow, Nathaniel understood this situation better than Mango.

However, Mango immediately caught on after Nathaniel had brought this up.

"All four of you took over Ocean City and bullied the families who originally ruled over this city. So, someone took this opportunity to cause more trouble. This was because the Ocean City would fall into their hands again if they managed to defeat the four most influential men of Ocean City? However, they had to defeat all four of you using their own powers!"

Nathaniel could not help but nod his head when he knew that Mango finally understood.

Then, Mango's eyes sank a little.

"Urgh! Bernard is too cunning! He' s definitely getting the others to do his dirty work. Well, do you mean that Rita knows all these connections? So, is this why she tried to build a good relationship with the Eaves family siblings?"

When Mango said this, she gripped Nathaniel's sleeve and trembled slightly.

Nathaniel sighed and took her into his arms. Then, he whispered, "Don't think too lowly on Rita. She's not that calculative, but she understands her own situation well. She just doesn't want our friendship to be destroyed by someone pretentious." "Destroyed? What do you mean? Does this have anything to do with us?"

Suddenly, Mango's heart tightened involuntarily when she heard this.

Nathaniel narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Perhaps we might be related to this, But who knows? Maybe someone is trying to take this opportunity to stir up more trouble. Morgan, Noah, Eugene and I can trust each other, but what about our families? Well, Morgan is indeed in trouble because of me. Now, we can't even meet each other very often. If someone pretentious makes unjustified claims to the rest of them in the Eaves family, what will they think of us?"

"Impossible! The Eaves family are all..."

Mango stopped herself abruptly at this thought.

She remembered that Esther had asked her to use the force of the Dark Night Empire. Then, she recalled that when she went to the Eaves family just now, someone had installed an eavesdropping system in the Eaves family home!

By law, Esther and her children were not allowed to meet other people as they were under house arrest. However, Mango could enter their housing compound.

Not only that, Esther and Mango had also talked about something for quite some time.

After they had picked Rita up from the Eaves family, an unknown car started following them.


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