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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1223

On the other hand, Aria cried as soon as Michael left, but she just cried silently.

Michael was really a jerk.

Furthermore, she really missed her boyfriend.

Did he call just now?

Ah, he must have asked Michael to let her go!

Urgh! She was such an incompetent subordinate!

Not only did she not kill Michael, but she also lost her own virginity. How was she supposed to face her boyfriend when she went back?

Then, Aria wanted to take a shower and wash away the smell of Michael on her body. But as soon as she tried to move, the pain made her tear up again.

Michael was a beast!

No, he was inhumane!

When Aria thought of what had happened just now, she was terrified.

After all, she never knew that a man could be so ruthless and evil.


She knew about his ruthlessness, but she had chosen to ignore it.

After all, she thought that she wouldn't be so unlucky to meet such a madman. She even felt that she was so proud of her fighting skills. Who would have thought that she would be defeated before she could even use ten of her moves?

Thus, she could only blame herself for ending up like this.

She and Michael had nothing to do with each other, so why did she come to kill him?

Well, she didn't even know who Michael Dean was before this!

Wait, it was him!

Her boyfriend had told her that Michael was standing in his way. He was very distressed, so he told Aria if she could help him get rid of Michael, he would be very grateful to her.

Furthermore, he said that if Michael died, he would marry her and stay with her forever.

It was such a beautiful promise, so she had entered Michael's territory for him.

Then, she showed up in front of Michael just like that. She thought it would be easy for her to kill Michael, but she didn't expect that she would end up like this.

At this thought, Aria trembled in fear, and she put her hands around her knees and buried her head between her legs.

What was wrong with her?

Before this, although she had participated in martial arts competitions and won prizes, she had never killed anyone.

How could she come here to kill someone just for him? It was just like something possessed her.

After all, she had been thinking about a person's life!

She actually came without having second thoughts.

Now that things had turned out this way, where was he?

He would probably negotiate with Michael so that he could take her back, right?

That was right!

He would definitely do that for her!

After all, she loved him so much!

Aria tried to comfort herself with these thoughts, but in fact, her mind was in a mess.

Just then, Michael walked in.

Thus, Aria looked up abruptly.

When she saw Michael, she actually had mixed feelings.

She wanted to ask if her boyfriend was going to bring her back, but she could not say a word.

Of course, Michael didn't miss the expectation in her eyes, as well as the look of disgust she gave him.

However, he came in without saying anything. Then, he went straight to the bed and handed an ointment to Aria.

"It's ripped down there, right? You should put on some medicine there."

Aria suddenly realized what he was talking about. However, she threw the ointment in Michael's hand away, probably because she was embarrassed or mad. Then, she said bitterly, "Heh! You don't need to pretend to be kind. I ended up this way because of you! So, how dare you pretend to pity me right now?"

Michael's eyes turned colder, and a heavy storm of emotions filled his eyes.

No one had treated him this rudely for so long.

Then, Michael walked over and picked up the ointment.

"Will you apply this yourself? Or should I do it for you? Pick one."

"I said I don't want your kindness! Get lost!"

Aria threw the ointment away once again after saying that.

Suddenly, Michael got angry suddenly.

Without saying anything, he pinned Aria down on the bed. Then, he took her ribbon off and tied her hands up. Then, he tore open her clothes again with a swift move.

"Michael Dean, you beast! You b*stard! You'll die in my hands! Let me go! Ah!!"

Aria struggled hard, but she felt that all of her clothes had already been torn off.

Urgh! She wanted to pass out so that she didn't have to bear with the embarrassment she felt right now!

On the other hand, Michael had a cold expression. Then, he opened the ointment and applied it for her without saying anything.

The cold ointment instantly stimulated Aria's senses.

She was mad and embarrassed but also felt a little comfortable at the same time.

After he had put on the ointment, the pain became a little more bearable.

After Michael had done it, he pulled the quilt over and threw it on Aria. Then, he went to the window and opened it before taking out a cigarette from his pocket to light it up.

He looked at the sky outside with mixed feelings.

Right now, he thought about the first time he had sex with Valentina. That was the first and last time that he had held Valentina. At that time, Valentina's v*gina had also been ripped.

When Michael saw Valentina's painful look at that time, he even swore that he would never touch her again.


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