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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1228


When Mango uttered out the name, Nathaniel was clearly stunned for a moment.

His emotions seemed complicated. He said nothing and entered the room.

It was Mango's first time seeing Nathaniel behaving this way. However, she understood his feeling after thinking about it carefully.

Although Augustus had nothing to do with him, both Augustus and Nanny Zhang used to be in a relationship before. It seemed that the two of them had a kid. Thus, it was very likely that Maverick was the son of Augustus.

If it was true, then Augustus would be Nathaniel's half-brother.

Nathaniel wouldn't be able to accept that.

Mango did not bother Nathaniel either, and went straight to the hospital.

Although Nathaniel had been there previously, she wished to know about Michael's injuries as well.

In the hospital, Noah was stunned for a moment upon seeing Mango.

"Who helped you to put on the makeup? I can't really recognize you without taking a close look at you."

Mango felt slightly contented over Noah's remarks.

"Well, so do I. I don't feel like myself when I look into the mirror every day."

"Did the people in Baxter Alliance put on the makeup for you?"

"Yeah, you're right."

Mango didn't hide it from him either.

"How's Michael?"

Mango cut to the chase.

There were complicated feelings in Noah's eyes. Upon looking at Mango, he paused for a moment before asking, "Have you known that Michael has been working with Nathaniel all this while?"

"Yeah. Nathan didn't tell you and Morgan as he didn't want you both to be entangled in this matter. He had no other intentions."

Mango understood their brotherhood.

There was no news about Michael when he left back then. Everyone was seeking Michael's whereabouts. They had even thought that Michael had died at the border. Generally speaking, Noah could not accept the fact the moment he figured out Michael had long been protected by Nathaniel and also struggled at the border for so many years.

"It's not the life he used to live."

"Everyone leads a different life which depends on your own choice. Since Michael has chosen this path, you shouldn't stop him for his good sake. Nathan has also developed the same thought back then. Instead of letting him live a living hell, it's better to let him live the life he wish to, am I right?"

Noah was stoned over Mango's words once again.

He suddenly realized that he was being narrowminded compared to her.


Michael was their buddy. Even if they had different stances, they could still get along together as long as there were no other conflicts of interest between them.

However, Noah somewhat admired Nathaniel.

He had certainly known the path that Michael chose, but he didn't stop him. It could be seen that his temperament had changed after he left the military region with his mission back then.

Nathaniel literally couldn't return to the military region.

Regardless of the matter could be provided with an ideal solution, he could never go back anymore.

Noah lamented over Nathaniel's decision.

"Has Nathaniel made up his mind to leave the military region?"

Mango initially didn't understand the implication of his words. Though, she was clear once she had given an attentive thought.

"I respect Nathan's choice. Since he refused to stay in the military, then you shan't bother."

"He did it for you."

Noah looked at Mango and said in a profound tone.

However, Mango shook her head and said, "Perhaps I am part of the reason, but definitely not the whole. Noah, did you feel remorseful when you retired from the army for Genevieve back then? Do you regret it now?"

"Surely no."

After finishing his remarks, Noah felt that he was being a hypocrite who had put a high expectation on her.

She was right.

Why would he feel that Mango was a burden to Nathaniel, whereas he could do everything he wished?

Why had he developed the same narrowmindedness as other men did?

"I'm sorry, Mango."

"You don't have to apologize to me. I've never blamed you on this matter. Let's get back to the point. How's Michael doing?"

Noah sighed and said, "His condition doesn't seem optimistic. His wound isn't deep though, but he has suffered a massive hemorrhage and he's not determined to survive. You know right, if a patient no longer wishes to stay alive, we have no other choice. We've tried our best to sustain his life now but we've no idea when he will wake up again."

Mango had already predicted that outcome.

"He was actually living like a walking corpse after Valentina's death over those years. It was only due to his promise to Nathan that he stayed alive until now. Now that a woman who looks exactly like Valentina had attacked him, he might assume that it was karma for not being able to save her back then. Hence, perhaps it might be a liberation to him when he was stabbed by Aria. His guilt and self- blame were reduced through this stabbing incident but it has also made him lose the courage and faith to live on."

Noah nodded upon hearing Mango's word.

"Yeah, it was the most intractable thing. If there's still someone whom he cared about right at this moment, perhaps he might wake. However, he has no one left and he has also lost his mental support. I'm afraid that he will become a vegetable soon if he's not going to wake up."

Noah wouldn't wish for this.


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