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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 1244


Mango's heart skipped a beat.

Why were people nowadays so rampant?

How dare he planned to shoot them down in the streets without any confirmation?

A wave of anger welled up from Mango's chest.

Nathaniel suddenly clenched her fist and whispered, "You go in first, I'll handle it."

Mango paused for a second.

She wished to stay, but when she look at Nathaniel's abstruse eyes, she could not speculate about Nathaniel's real thought.

Perhaps he had his own plan.

Mango knew that it wasn't the time for her to be self-righteous, so she nodded.

After they both released their hands, Mango quickly walked towards the mall.

With a whoosh sound, a silencer bullet shot along the trajectory towards Mango.

Mango automatically squatted down and rolled over the ground, she had narrowly evaded the attack. The bullet hit the glass door next to her and penetrated through it. In the mean time, the siren went off and the scene immediately became chaotic.

Nathaniel's eyes instantly turned horribly cold.

He couldn't believe that they dared to shoot in the streets!

Nathaniel abruptly turned around with a leap, he charged straight towards the direction.

The other party was stunned when he noticed Nathaniel's highly identifiable face. The man wanted to pull the trigger again, but Nathaniel was simply too rapid. Before he could see the figure clearly, he felt someone swooshed over, and in a brief second, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist.


An ear- piercing, high- pitched cry instantly screamed out.

Mango was somewhat astonished.

She did not see Nathaniel's previous movement clearly.

He was simply too fast!

Since when had Nathaniel's speed elevated so much?

Meanwhile, Nathaniel had already stripped the man's arm, and flipped a slap to the other party's face.

"How dare you shoot on the streets? Aren't you afraid of hurting innocent people? Huh? What does the uniform on your body represent? Don't you know it?"

At that moment, nobody could stop Nathaniel whereby the murderous intent that spread out from his body made people involuntarily to back away.

There were another two men who looked like adjutants that sat in the car, but they did not dare to move under the deterrent of Nathaniel, as if they were petrified.

"You jerks! What are you guys waiting for? Arrest him and the other woman!"

Chief Oxford yelled like crazy, and the gun had already point to his head the next moment.

"Give it a shot."

Nathaniel's cold and indifferent voice seemed to come from the netherworld, which frightened Chief Oxford to get weak on his knees, but he was still holding on.

"Nathaniel, I didn't mean to capture you, it was an order from the higher officers. Don't make things difficult for me, we're all from the same place. You shall understand that it's hard to contravene the military order, I can't help it too." "Can't help yourself? So you can't help yourself shooting in the streets? Neglecting the others' safety? I just want to ask what kind of monstrous crimes I have committed that lead you to snipe me in the streets? Are there any arrest warrants? Take it out at once."

Nathaniel's words instantly made Chief Oxford's expression change.

"This is a secret mission, the warrant hasn't been issued to me, I received only a verbal order."

"Don't you know what is my military rank? How dare you to take me down without any warrant with your current rank? What are you trying to do to me?"

Nathaniel spoke with sarcasm, and then he directly kicked the knee of Chief Oxford.

Chief Oxford abruptly knelt down, even Mango could feel the pain.

Out of nowhere, a group of men in black gushed out and surrounded Chief Oxford and his gangs.

Nathaniel said coldly, "Bring them all back, but don't beat them to death. I'm gonna squeeze a bit of something from them first."

"Yes sir!"

All those men in black replied in unity, their imposing manner had literally caused chills down their spine.

At that moment, Chief Oxford's face turned as white as paper.

"Nathaniel, you've raised so many people secretly, are you revolting?"

"You're Chief Oxford, right? Where did get the idea from, TV shows? Or are you simply ancient? Me, revolt? Why would I? I'm just inviting you to be my guest. Take him away."

Nathaniel said coldly.

The men in black immediately stepped forward and dragged the other three out of the car. Their mouths were covered and pushed into the car before being taken away.

The people around them did not dare to utter a word, let alone taking photos with their mobile.

As those men in black were wearing clothes typically owned by the Baxter Alliance.

Everyone had known about their status, and no one would challenge themselves with the Baxter Alliance.

Nathaniel realized that the people around him were well aware of the situation, thus he didn't say anything else. Instead, he walked towards Mango and the boundless killing intent from his body had immediately converged.

"Are you alright?"

His eyes were overwhelmed by worry.

Mango shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I didn't get hurt. Well, this guy seemed somewhat familiar to me, I think I've met him somewhere before."


Nathaniel was slightly surprised.

There shouldn't be any contact between Chief Oxford and Mango.

Mango's mind was processing quickly and a scene had subconsciously emerged in her mind.


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